
💊 Encrypted proxy, such as shadowsocks

Primary LanguageRust

Touch the world

What's this

A proxy tool implemented by rust.


You need a rust build environment.

cargo build --release

How to use

  1. Creat a new config file config.json. Such as:
  "input": {
    "name": "socks5",
    "config": {
      "local_host": "",
      "local_port": 1080
  "output": {
    "name": "ss-aes-256-gcm",
    "config": {
      "remote_host": "",
      "remote_port": 3391
  1. Make sure you use this directory structure.
(root dir)
    |   └--config.json
    └--touch-rs.exe / touch-rs
  1. run ./touch-rs


protocol support
Shadowsocks AEAD
HTTP proxy support
UDP support
More protocol support... Coming soon...