A simple web app that you can use to get a lot of info on the web server where it's running (the inspector) and perform additional tasks (the gadgets) from there.
- baptisteohanes@Microsoft
- ChambrasMicrosoft
- ciphertxtJacksonville, FL, USA
- CraigRennichMicrosoft
- DanielLarsenNZMicrosoft
- deberatMicrosoft
- dschenzer@Microsoft
- edknox
- erkupMicrosoft Corporation
- felixtsem5Houston, TX
- gerwaldoGitHub
- gitstua@github
- gjlumsdenEdinburgh
- hugogirardMicrosoft
- jcantrell-HCA
- joergjoMicrosoft
- jonlabelleAustin, TX
- josehui
- lizetpenamsftMicrosoft Corporation
- marcosgmMicrosoft
- MCKLMTMicrosoft France
- msdmcmurrianMicrosoft Corporation
- NanoMS@microsoft
- nthewara@Microsoft
- octupul@Microsoft
- pauldotyu@microsoft
- plzm
- qxsch@Microsoft
- richeneyCloud Direct
- rorywoods
- scottstout@Microsoft
- sonniiy@microsoft
- torosgo@Microsoft
- twardzikfilipBerlin
- xstofMicrosoft Corporation
- YannMSFT