Here is a little project to show some of the skills ACHP is looking for in their next analyst.
Data on nursing home metrics was downloaded from
- For testing unzip all files from into the data directory
Next an AWS RDS instance running PostgreSQL 11.6 was spun up and configured for access.
- Please feel free to use the credentials given to Karen or reach out to myself for access if you'd like to poke around.
A small script in python was created that checks a directory and formats any csv files into a table.
- This was more proof of concept and more time would be needed to accurately translate pandas datatypes into relevant SQL ones.
- Additionally while working through this I discovered Postgres RDS instances have restrictions on super user access which prevented me from updating tables within the bounds of a jupyter notebook.
- Data was imported into the created tables through the pgAdmin 4 console.
Finally a Tableau workbook was connected to the server and small dashboard was created showcasing some of the data.