
Setup your Linux laptop for Rails development

Primary LanguageShell


Setup your Linux laptop for Rails development


This command runs the script in bash to install various awesome applications for development

bash <(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jellene4eva/laptop/master/install.sh)

Applications includes

  • git
  • git flow
  • vim
  • vundle
  • sqlite3
  • postgresql
  • imagemagick
  • zsh
  • Oh-My-Zsh
  • nodejs
  • checkinstall
  • ag
  • rbenv
  • ruby
  • bundler
  • tmux
  • lnav
  • tig

The installer will look out for ~/.laptop.local file, and proceed to install those as well. Add your local file before running the script. Example:

# ~/.laptop.local

sudo apt-get install -y vlc
sudo apt-get install -y skype
sudo apt-get install -y dropbox

gem_install_or_update teamocil
gem_install_or_update foreman


Thoughtbot discontinued linux laptop script https://github.com/thoughtbot/laptop/blob/3897ad81ee241cbff4501e779c8cde50de79e142/linux


I use this as on my own laptop, so I have my laptop.local here as well to make it easier for my to copy and paste into ~/.laptop.local