Save and load function
jellewie opened this issue · 5 comments
Still TODO:
- Save the terrain
- Sae the Graph
- Change messages to be displayed to the player
- Add pop-up window confirm if the user is saving over a different save, or deleting one. or loading a save
- Add loading screen? big saves already 'lag' the game
Maybe TODO:
- Add the camera position to be saved too?
- Maybe add an icon (screenshot) to each save?
- Maybe zip the project or something, to make saves smaller?
- Maybe add folder support, so saves can be organized?
- Maybe compile the save code, so objects are not saved by name but as a byte?
Include things like world settings in the save file,
- Save format (So we know if the save is capable to load)
- is campaign map X (So we would be able to flag campaigns to be done)
- Save date?
- A way to save terrain (This waits on #54 )
- OwnerID (for if multiplayer ever comes...)
Show message to player
Debug.LogWarning("SaveLoad:LoadFromSring - No data has been given");
Debug.LogWarning("SaveLoad:LoadFromSring - Saved File is out of date");
Debug.LogWarning("SaveLoad:LoadFromString - Not enough data to build object at line " + (B + 1) + " I'm Skipping it..."); -
Change UserInput.OwnerID with the one out of the loadgame
Debug.Log("OwnerID of the loaded game = " + SplitBlockData[1]); -
Save terrain
Save Graph
save / load menu
'open saves folder in windows' option
Save menu:
[SaveName] Name of save
[Save] this will save the current game as SaveName
[Load] this will load SaveName (If given)
[Delete] this will delete SaveName (If given)
[List] this is a list with all found saves
Do we need to store the camera position?
We could also take a screenshot while saving, and use that as a thumbnail?