
Our projects for the ITSC 4180 Mobile Application Development course. Yay!

Primary LanguageJava


Our projects for the ITSC 4180 Mobile Application Development course. Yay!
Professor Shehab's GitLab References:

Week 1

Introduction to Java

  • Java Review
  • Data Structures

Week 2

Introduction to Android and Event Handling

  • Learning UI
  • String Resources
  • Buttons
  • Radio Buttons
  • OnClick Event Handlers

Week 3

Managing Activities and More on Layouts

  • Activities
  • Explicit and Implicit Intents
  • Data Passing
    -> Serializable
    -> Parcelable
  • Start Activity for Result

Week 4

Concurrency and Thread Communication

  • Threads and Thread Pool
  • Concurrency Handlers
  • Thread Communication using Handler
  • Concurrency Asynctask

Week 5

HTTP Connections

  • Checking Network Connection
  • Postman
  • HttpURLConnection
  • Downloading Images
  • Managing Params HttpURLConnection GET and POST
  • Data Passing Using Interfaces

Week 6

API and Data Parsing

Week 7


Midterm and Midterm Practice

Week 8

Listview and Cardview

  • ListViews and Adapters
  • Managing Simple ListView (With and Without objects)
  • Updating ListView Data
  • Extending ListView ArrayAdapter
  • Using RecyclerViews
  • Using CardViews

Week 9


  • Fragment Life Cycle
  • Fragment UI Components
  • Sending Data From Activity to Fragment
  • Sending Data from Fragment to Activity
  • Dynamically Adding Fragments
  • Managing Multiple Fragments

Week 10

HTTP and Other Popular Libraries

Helpful links:

Week 11

Firebase and Data Storage

Helpful links: