Welcome to react-18-migration-demo 👋

Version Twitter: jellydn

React 18 migration demo Master React 18 in 10 minutes


yarn install


React 18 React 17
react 18 react 17

How to Upgrade to React 18

Run below command and it will upgrade your app to React 18

npx new-web-app@latest react upgrade-react-18
  • What news in React v18

    • New Feature: Automatic Batching
    • New Feature: Transitions
      • Urgent updates reflect direct interaction, like typing, clicking, pressing, and so on.
      • Transition updates transition the UI from one view to another.
    • New Suspense Features
    • New Client and Server Rendering APIs
    • New Strict Mode Behaviors
    • New Hooks
      • useId
      • useTransition
      • useDeferredValue
      • useSyncExternalStore
      • useInsertionEffect


yarn dev

Run tests

yarn test


yarn build --filter=react-18 --filter=react-experimental


👤 Dung Huynh

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