
Reading a line from a fd is way too tedious

Primary LanguageC

This assignment was particularly tricky, hence the need for main.c even with assistance from paco

Feel free to test it out using my main.c and test.txt

BUFFER_SIZE Check (Optional)

Modify 'prepare_list_from_file' function in get_next_line.c with the following:

After completing a buffer iteration, add these lines to check:

		static int i = 0;
		printf("\nCurrent Buffer iteration: %d|", ++i);

It should look something like this:

void	prepare_list_from_file(int fd, t_list **list)
	char	*buffer;
	int		num_bytes;

	num_bytes = 1;
	buffer = malloc(sizeof(char) * (BUFFER_SIZE + 1));
	while (!found_newline(*list) && num_bytes != 0)
		if (buffer == NULL)
			return ;
		num_bytes = read(fd, buffer, BUFFER_SIZE);
		if ((*list == NULL && num_bytes == 0) || num_bytes == -1)
			if (num_bytes == -1)
			*list = NULL;
			return ;
		buffer[num_bytes] = '\0';
		append_buffer_to_list(list, buffer, num_bytes);
		static int i = 0;
		printf("\nCurrent Buffer iteration: %d|", ++i);

Compile with the following to test, this main.c works with any GNL file

Do note that this is a very simple test, refer to Tripouille or fsoares for optimized tests

cc -Wall -Wextra -Werror *e.c *ls.c main.c

Run the test case


You can change the BUFFER_SIZE in get_next_line.h to check other sizes