
[css, flexbox, morning exercise]

Primary LanguageHTML

Hyrule Potion Shop

All the flexbox properties have been removed from holygrail.css. Fill in the blanks to make the website look nice and responsive again!

Only modify holygrail.css!

It should follow the concept of the Holy Grail layout.

What we mean by "filling in the blanks" is taking this:


...and turning it into this:

  background-color: blue;

Feel free to take a look at our solution at the link below -- but only peek at the CSS if you're really stuck!

Here's one solution: http://ga-wdi-exercises.github.io/hyrule_potion_shop/

(styles.css contains all the styling not relevant to flexbox. Feel free to look at it, but don't modify it!)

Steps to clone down and open

  1. Open up Terminal
  2. Change into your exercises directory
  3. git clone https://git.generalassemb.ly/ga-wdi-exercises/hyrule_potion_shop.git
  4. cd hyrule_potion_shop to change into the cloned down directory
  5. code . to open the directory you are currently located in VS Code