Pokedex Rails App (with Postgres SQL)

For this exercise, we'll create a Rails app with Postgres database. The end result we want is a CRUD app for pokemon with data saved into a database.

Getting Started

  1. Fork and clone this repository to your computer

  2. To generate a new Rails application, in the project directory run:

rails new ./ -d postgresql
  1. To install dependencies, run:
bundle install
  1. Create a new Postgres database by running:
rails db:create
  1. Generate a model for pokemon and specify the table attributes
rails g model Pokemon

Table attibutes (that you add onto the above command) should look something like:

# column name : data type .... 
  num:text name:text

Just make all of the pokemon columns type text or string.

Sample command with the table attributes:

rails g model Article title:string text:text
  1. To create your pokemons table in your database:
rails db:migrate
  1. Seed data into the newly created pokemons table by running:
rails db:seed

Add the pokemon master

Create a pokemon master model that belongs_to one pokemon.

Create all of the normal routes for that master model: resources :master


The deliverable is an app that has CRUD functionality on pokemon.

  • GET / should return HTML page showing all pokemons currently in database (specifically in the pokemon table within the database)
  • GET /:id (eg. /2) should return HTML page showing information about pokemon with primary ID 2 (read: primary ID, not num property)
  • GET /new should return HTML page showing a form to create a new pokemon - upon submit, it should send POST request to /
  • POST / should create a new pokemon and insert a new entry in the pokemon table, and should redirect to the home page /
  • GET /:id/edit (eg. /2/edit) should return HTML page showing a form pre-populated with that pokemon's data - upon submit, it should send PUT request to /:id
  • The /:id/edit HTML page should also have a "Delete" button that when clicked, will send a DELETE request to /:id to delete the current pokemon
  • PUT /:id should update the data of the pokemon with the specified ID, and should redirect to the pokemon detail page /:id
  • DELETE /:id should delete the entry of the pokemon with the specified ID, and should redirect to the home page /


Refer to the gitbook materials for relevant commands and examples: https://wdi-sg.github.io/gitbook-2018/06-ruby-rails/rails-intro/readme.html

When you start to implement the 2nd model it will be helpful to have some data in seed.rb.


  • Create the full nested crud routes for the related master model.
  • Change your data model by adding a migration. (Look up the rails docs for running a change table migration.)

Tired of Pokemon yet?

You can also build a rails app that tracks and displays songs and song genres:

"Sortify" - Rails Associations (with Postgres SQL)

For this exercise, we'll create a "Sortify" Rails app which stores songs.


  • Create a model for genre with name and description

  • Create a model for songs with name and genre

  • The associations are as follows:

    • Genre has_many Songs
    • Song belongs_to a Genre
  • Implement controllers and views for:

    • show all genres /genres/
    • show all songs from one genre /genres/:id/songs/


  • Create the full nested crud routes for the related song model.
  • Change your data model by adding a migration. (Look up the rails docs for running a change table migration.)