
Rails associations exercise

Primary LanguageRuby

Sortify - Rails Associations

For this exercise, we'll create a "Sortify" Rails app which stores songs and genres.


Part 1

  • Create a model for genre with name and description

  • Create a model for songs with name and genre

  • The associations are as follows:

    • Genre has_many Songs
    • Song belongs_to a Genre
  • Seed your database with your own sample data of songs and genres from a seed file

  • Implement controllers and views for:

    • show all genres /genres/
    • show all songs from one genre /genres/:id/songs/

Part 2

  • Sometimes songs can be classified into more than one genre, therefore we need to modify our app.

  • Change your song model to just have a name

  • Create a join table GenresSongs

  • The revised associations are as follows:

    • Genre has_and_belongs_to_many Songs
    • Song has_and_belongs_to_many Genres
  • Seed your database

  • Use the command line to add a song to a couple of genres

  • Implement a view such that when showing a specific song, display the song name and the list of genres associated with it.


  • Implement full CRUD functionality for songs and genres.
  • Implement nested routes for this app.

Reference material:

Not tired of pokemon yet?

Implement a pokedex app after this json file: https://github.com/wdi-sg/pokedex-express/blob/master/pokedex.json

    "id": 1,
    "num": "001",
    "name": "Bulbasaur",
    "img": "http://www.serebii.net/pokemongo/pokemon/001.png",
    "type": [
    "height": "0.71 m",
    "weight": "6.9 kg",
    "candy": "Bulbasaur Candy",
    "candy_count": 25,
    "egg": "2 km",
    "spawn_chance": 0.69,
    "avg_spawns": 69,
    "spawn_time": "20:00",
    "multipliers": [1.58],
    "weaknesses": [
    "next_evolution": [{
      "num": "002",
      "name": "Ivysaur"
    }, {
      "num": "003",
      "name": "Venusaur"

Start with creating a join table for "types". Pokemon has many types, types has many pokemon.

You could also implement one of the other many-to-many relationships in the JSON file- (e.g. weaknesses, next evolution, etc.)


  • Implement full CRUD functionality for pokemon and types (or other attribute).
  • Implement nested routes for this app.