

Primary LanguageRuby

User Songs

This rails app is a one model app that has a single Song model. A song has a title.

Your job is to implement best security practices for this app:

User login and authorization with devise.

We will follow instuctions from the devise website: https://github.com/plataformatec/devise

Add the gem devise to the Gemfile

gem 'devise'

Install it

bundle install
rails db:create

Run the gem's script files so it can generate the default files in the rails app

rails generate devise:install

Create the devise user model:

rails generate devise user

Link User to a new foreign key column in songs:

rails g migration AddUserToSongs user:references
rails db:migrate

Generate the default devise view files:

rails g devise:views

Devise might ask you to copy the secret devise key into the initializer file: config/initializers/devise.rb

Set up authorization:

Add a before action filter to the controller:

before_action :authenticate_user!, :except => [ :show, :index ]

Restrict the new link in the songs index with the devise helper

<% if user_signed_in? %>
<%= link_to 'New Song', new_song_path %>
<% end %>

Other devise helpers:


Make a breakpoint (byebug) in the index song controller method.

Inside the console see the value of current_user



See the current value of user_session


Set something in the user session

user_session[:song_cart] = "Single Ladies"

Use c to continue out of the breakpoint.

Make another request.

See the value of user_session has been retained.

Adding user associations

Change both model files


belongs_to :user


has_many :song

Assign the logged in user as the song creator in app/controllers/songs_controller.rb

def create
  @song = Song.new(song_params)

  @song.user = current_user

  if @song.save
    redirect_to @song
    render 'new'

Logout Link

<%= link_to 'log out', destroy_user_session_url, method: :delete %>