
View Warzone info through Discord

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Warzone Stats was created for use with TGM servers. Warzone has since discontinued TGM in favour of Mars, so this bot is no longer used on Warzone and there is no longer a hosted instance.

This bot is still suitable for use with TGM servers. Pull requests will continue to be accepted.

Warzone Stats

Warzone Stats is a Discord bot for displaying information about Warzone or other TGM servers if self-hosted.

If you find a bug or have any feature requests feel free to make an issue here


The bot is designed to work with any TGM server with environment variables. The environment variables the bot uses are detailed below. Please don't use the bot name "Warzone Stats" on self-hosted instances.

Name Description Example Required?
DISCORD_TOKEN The Discord bot token Yes
LOADING_EMOJI The emoji to use for loading <a:loading:811950559991955546> Yes
STAFF_ROLES List of staff role IDs separated by comma 333671781942427658,335883420817162241 No
STAFF_PING_EXEMPT_USERS List of user IDs exempt to pings from staff command separated by comma 144607902525554688,293089779912933396 No
API_BASE TGM API base URL https://api.warzone.network No
EVALERS List of user IDs who can use the eval command separated by comma 399406110261641216 No