Steps to reproduce

  1. Bring up zookeeper, kafka and flink

    docker-compose up -d
  2. Build the job

    mvn clean package
  3. Deploy the job

    docker exec -i -t flink /opt/flink/bin/flink run -q -d /app/flink-app-1.0.jar
  4. View the flink console output

    docker-compose logs -f -t flink
  5. Send some messages to the kafka topic

    Leave the console output running then in another terminal start the console producer

    docker exec -i -t kafka /opt/kafka/bin/ --topic mytopic --broker-list kafka:9092

    Enter the following lines of text

    message 1
    message 2

    If you look at your other terminal these messages should be in the console output

  6. Save the state of the job

    Open yet another terminal and execute

    docker exec -i -t flink /opt/flink/bin/flink list

    to find out the job id.

    and then cancel the job with a savepoint

    docker exec -i -t flink /opt/flink/bin/flink cancel -s <job id>

    The output wil indicate where the savepoint has been created

  7. redeploy the job from a savepoint

    docker exec -i -t flink /opt/flink/bin/flink run -q -d -s <savepoint> /app/flink-app-1.0.jar
  8. Send more messages and make the job blow up and restart itself

    Switch back to the terminal that runs the kafka console producer and enter the following lines of text

    message 3
    message 4
    message 5

The implode message will make the flink job throw an exception and restart itself but it will start processing messages from the save point!

Because this app does not do checkpointing when the savepoint was created might be a long long long time ago by the time an exception occurs