
Template for developing a liferay 6.1 project using the liferay sdk

Primary LanguageShell

Liferay 6.1 ce project template

Description :

A set of build scripts that make it easy to start a liferay 6.1 project based on the community edition To read more about why this template is organized the way it is, read the following blog post on the orange11 blog

Getting started :

  1. Download ant

  2. Set the following environment variables


    ANT_OPTS=-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m

  3. Add ant to your path

  4. Download and unzip the build template on your local machine

  5. Customize the template to suit your needs. Things you may want to change are

    The name of the portal and portal host in


    The default locale and timezone in







  6. build the portal by issueing the following command in the template folder :

    ant clean build

  7. Create the mysql database by issueing the following commands as the root mysql user

    drop database if exists liferay;

    create database liferay default character set utf8;

    grant all on liferay.* to liferay@localhost identified by 'liferay';

  8. Start the portal by going to build/portal/apache-tomcat/bin and running

    on windows :

    catalina.bat run


    catalina.bat jpda run

    to start up in debug mode

    on linux and osx :

    ./catalina.sh run


    ./catalina.sh jpda run

    to start up in debug mode

  9. To log in as administrator, go to http://localhost:8080 and log in with

    username : administrator@yourportal.com

    password : s3cr3t

    Or different credentials if you made changes to your portal-ext.properties file in step 5

  10. Open the project in intellij idea and start working! Intellij project files are included in the template