
Scale your Heroku applications in timeslots.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Heroku Timed Scaler


Scale your Heroku apps on a time slot base.



Create Heroku application

$ heroku apps:create <APPLICATION-NAME>
$ heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
$ heroku addons:create heroku-redis:hobby-dev
$ heroku config:set REDIS_PROVIDER=REDIS_URL

Publish application

$ git push heroku master
$ heroku run bundle exec rake db:migrate

Set application information

Retrieve auth token

$ heroku plugins:install git@github.com:heroku/heroku-oauth.git
$ heroku authorizations:create -d "Heroku Timed Scaler"
Created OAuth authorization.
  ID:          <ID>
  Description: Heroku Timed Scaler
  Scope:       global
  Token:       <TOKEN>


From the authorization above, use TOKEN. The APP_NAME is the application you wish to scale up.


Additional scaling time

You might want to make sure your application has scaled before the given time slot. To do this, you can set a SCALING_TIME ENV variable. This will add the given amount of time (in minutes) to your time slot.

Example, you set SCALING_TIME to 15 (minutes). Your time slot is at 15:30 until 16:30.

To start the scaling, this would mean it would scale up your application at 15:15. At 16:45, it will scale down your application again to the initial settings.

$ heroku config:set SCALING_TIME=15

HTTP Basic Auth

If you want to protect your application, there's a simple way to put HTTP Basic Auth in front.


CSV Import

You can import CSV files as a way to upload multiple time slots in one go.


from, to, formation_type, formation_size, formation_quantity
"2015-10-24 15:30", "2015-10-24 16:30", "web", "standard-2x", 4
"2015-11-24 15:30", "2015-10-24 16:30", "web", "standard-2x", 4
"2015-12-24 15:30", "2015-10-24 16:30", "web", "standard-2x", 4


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Run the tests (and make sure they pass)
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  6. Create new Pull Request


Multi app support

At the moment, you can only scale one application. I'd like to implement a way where you can specify multiple applications which you can scale individually.

Formation Type validation

At the moment, the formation type is a wildcard field. This should not be the case. When creating new Slots, we should validate with Heroku that this type of formation actually exists or not.

The reason why web and worker - the 2 most used formation types - are not hardcoded is that you could actually use different names for these, like urgentworker.