
Formatting guidelines for MySQL

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

MySQL coding style

The following document is currently work in progress.



  • Indentation MUST be performed using spaces and not tabs.
  • Indent size MUST be 8 spaces.


  • Separators MUST be placed at the beginning of the line and not at the end.

Note: This is highly opiniated so we might decide later to switch to the oposite.


  • MUST use the AS keyword.
  • MUST be camelCase.

Subqueries and other expressions

  • MUST be surrounded with parenthesis.
  • MUST be aliased.


SELECT clause

  • Column name MUST be specified inline with the SELECT keyword when selecting a single column.


    SELECT birthDate
  • Column name MUST be specified on a separate line below the SELECT keyword, indented, when selecting multiple columns.


         ,  lastName
         ,  birthDate

FROM clause

  • Table name MUST be specified inline with the FROM keyword.
  • Table name MUST have an alias when JOIN clauses are defined.
  • From clause MUST consist of only one table. Usage of implicit JOIN statements is prohibited.


     ,  person.lastName
     ,  account.balance
  FROM  people AS person
  JOIN  accounting AS account
    ON  account.person_id = person.id

JOIN clause

  • Inner join MUST be defined using INNER JOIN keyword, the usage of short JOIN keyword variant is prohibited.
  • Left/Right outer joins MUST be defined using LEFT/RIGHT JOIN keyword, the usage of long oboslete LEFT/RIGHT OUTER JOIN keyword is prohibited.
  • Joined tables MUST have an alias.

WHERE clause, HAVING clause

  • Short conditions SHOULD be specified inline.


    WHERE  person.id = 5
  • The AND/OR operator MUST be positioned at the beginning of the line.

  • Long conditions MUST be split over multiple lines.


           account.balance IS NULL
           AND person.id = 5
  • Conditions which have complex logic must be surrounded by parenthesis.


    SELECT  MAX(account.balance)
      FROM  people AS person
      JOIN  acconting AS account
        ON  account.person_id = person.id
                    YEAR(person.birthDate) >= 2000
               AND  person.firstName = "Nikola"
            OR (
                    MONTH(person.birthDate) = 5
               AND  (
                           account.column_d = 1
                      AND  account.column_e IS NULL

GROUP BY clause

  • Column name MUST be the same as defined in the SELECT clause.
  • Column name MUST be specified inline with the GROUP BY keyword when grouping by a single column.
  • Column name MUST be specified separately on a new line, indented below the GROUP BY keyword, when grouping by multiple columns.
  • Column separator - COMMA - MUST be positioned after the column and not before.

ORDER BY clause

  • Order direction keyword - ASC / DESC - MUST be specified inline with the column name.
  • Order direction keyword MUST not be omitted.
  • Column name MUST be specified inline with the ORDER BY keyword when ordered by a single column.
  • Column name MUST be specified separately on a new line, indented below the ORDER BY keyword, when ordered by multiple columns.
  • Column separator - COMMA - MUST be positioned after the column and not before.

LIMIT clause

  • Limit value MUST be defined inline with the LIMIT keyword.
  • LIMIT clause MUST not contain an OFSET, use OFSET clause for defining one.

OFSET clause

  • Ofset value MUST be defined inline with the OFSET keyword.




  INTO  people (
     ,  lastName
     ,  birthDate

VALUES clause


     ,  'Tesla'
     ,  '1856-07-10'


UPDATE clause

  • Table name MUST be specified inline with the UPDATE keyword when updating a single table.
  • Table name MUST be specified on a separate line, indented, when updating multiple tables.

JOIN clause

  • MUST follow the same guidelines as in SELECT statement

SET clause

  • Column name MUST be specified inline after the SET keyword when updating a single column.
  • Column name MUST be specified in a new row, below the SET keyword, indented, when updating multiple columns.

WHERE clause

  • MUST follow the same guidelines as in SELECT statement


UPDATE  accounting AS account
  JOIN  people AS person
    ON  person.id = account.person_id
   SET  account.balance = 0
 WHERE  person.deteted = 1


DELETE clause

  • Table name MUST be ommited when deleting from a single table
  • Table name MUST be specified on a new line, indented, when deleting from multiple tables.
  • Table separator - COMMA - MUST be placed after the table name.

FROM clause

  • MUST follow the same guidelines as in SELECT statement

JOIN clause

  • MUST follow the same guidelines as in SELECT statement

WHERE clause

  • MUST follow the same guidelines as in SELECT statement