
Relevance Assessment app for Django

Primary LanguagePython


django-assessment is a django app for collecting pairwise-preference relevance
assessment for the purposes of building an information retrieval test


Requires the latest development of Django (as of 11.30.2010) for some admin
feature support.

This app depends on users being authenticated through Django's user
authentication system.  This can be accomplished in several ways.  For
examples on how to setup your server to handle this, see the Django
and the excellent django-registration app:

Application Settings

These settings control the behavior of the assessment app and can be specified
in your settings.py:

DOCSERVER_URL_PATTERN - A URL with a single string format placeholder (%s)
                        where documents can be served from.  The string
                        placeholder will be replced by the document ID.

ASSESSMENTS_PER_QUERY - The maximum number of document pairs to assess per

REGISTRATION_KEY - A string specifying a code that must be entered in the
                        registration form.  For use only when using
                        django-registration with the ValidKeyRegistrationForm.
                        Optional.  See below.

MAX_ASSESSMENTS_PER_DOC - The maximum number of times one document will be 
                        presented in any pair.

COLLECT_INFORMATION_NEED - Boolean indicating whether information need 
                        statements should be collected.

Restricting Registrations

In order to restrict users who can register for an account, we can use
the django-registration app and a Form provided by this app.  See above
for instructions on downloading and installing django-registration.

To restrict users who can register for an account, the URL pattern for
'accounts/register/' must be overridden to use the ValidKeyRegistrationForm.
This will add an additional "Registration key" field to the registration
form.  In your site's urls.py, include the following:

  from assessment.forms import ValidKeyRegistrationForm
  from registration.views import register

  urlpatterns = patterns('',
         {'backend': 'registration.backends.default.DefaultBackend',
          'form_class': ValidKeyRegistrationForm},
      ... # the rest of your URLs

and set REGISTRATION_KEY in your settings.py to contain a key you may provide
to users for use when they register for the site.  This key must be entered
in the new registration form in order for the registration to be processed.