React Forms Testing Challenge

Our users rely on us to build their products and serve their clients. When our app breaks or messes up their data, it doesn't just affect us or just them, it can be very costly to many people.

One of the best ways to prevent regressions is to make sure that all new features are properly tested. Some developers may think it's ok to add a single test for the happy path and call it a day. We're looking for devs who know better.

The Challenge

In this challenge, you'll find an app with zero tests. Your job is to make sure that it is thoroughly tested. Ensure that your tests are not flaky or brittle. When you are satisfied with your tests, submit your solution.

You may modify code in the src/ directory if it will make your testing easier.


You must follow these steps for your solution to be accepted

Forking this repo is an immediate disqualification

How to attempt this challenge:

  1. Clone this challenge repo
  2. Solve the challenge locally
  3. Create a new repo in your GitHub account and note the git url
  4. Set your new repo as the origin for your local solution: git remote set-url origin ${your repo url}
  5. Push the solution to your repo