
JSON Helper (or JSON parser, depending if you're pre- or post-argos)

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A bag of functions (living in JSONHelper) for converting to and from JSON representations. It's a very thin wrapper around JSONSerialization that also:

  • Is explicit about whether JSON is expected to be an object or an array, throwing an error if an unexpected type is encountered.

  • Handles all the conversions between Data and String, eliminating a lot of Optionals and guards in the process.

  • Converts some common JSONSerialization errors out of the NSCocoaErrorDomain and into the easier-to-catch JSONError enum.

  • Provides convenience types for JSONObject and JSONArray to save you from having to make sense of oblique Anys.

  • Provides easy validation functions for verifying Datas, Strings, JSONObjects or JSONArrays represent well-formed JSON — without having to chain a bunch of conversions and try.


From JSON:

let object  = try JSONHelper.jsonObject(from: "{\"foo\": 42}")
let array   = try JSONHelper.jsonArray(from: "[42, 64, 10175]")
let isValid = JSONHelper.isValid("{\"numbers\": [1,2,3]}")
try JSONHelper.validate("[1,true,null]")


let jsonString = try JSONHelper.string(from: ["foo": 42])
let jsonData   = try JSONHelper.data(from: [42, 64, 10175])
let isValid    = JSONHelper.isValid(["invalid": Date()])
try JSONHelper.validate([1, true, NSNull()])


Full API documentation can be found here.