
BlueUi is aimed at creating a android liberary module which will enable faster and simpler UI developement

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


BlueUi is aimed at creating an android liberary module which will enable faster and simpler UI developement . To add this module to youre android project either directly download this liberary or use git clone https://github.com/jemshid123/BlueUI.git command and then add the module as a dependency.

View Pager with custom effects

This allows you to create a simple view pager with zoom out effect on swiping

View Pager

To create a viewpager add a viewpager widget to youre XML Layout file


Then create a viewpager object

 //creating initial fragments to be viewed
Fragment fragment[]=new Fragment[]{new f1(),new f2()};

 // creating slidefragmentviewpageradapter as viewpageradapter  
slideFragmentViewPagerAdapter slide=new slideFragmentViewPagerAdapter(getSupportFragmentManager(),fragment);

ViewPager viewPager=(ViewPager)findViewById(R.id.vp);

//page transformer adds effects. in this case Zoom out effect
viewPager.setPageTransformer(false,new zoomOutPageTransformer());

you can also add new fragments to the view pager dynamically at runtime

 slide.addFragment(new f1());

Swipe Tab Widget

swipeTab widget allows easier creation of swipable tab views on android. its easy to use and give a high degree of flexibility to user


.To create a swipable tab layout add the swipeTab widget to XML layout file.


.Then create a swipeTab object

 swipeTab  st=(swipeTab)findViewById(R.id.tabs);

Adding a tab with title and fragment

    st.addTab("hi",new f1());

Adding a tab with title, drawable and fragment object

    st.addTab("hello",android.R.drawable.ic_media_play,new f2());

Using getTab() you can directly access a tab. this allows more flexibility

    ActionBar.Tab tab=st.getnewTab();
    tab.setTabListener(new ActionBar.TabListener() {
        public void onTabSelected(ActionBar.Tab tab, FragmentTransaction ft) {


        public void onTabUnselected(ActionBar.Tab tab, FragmentTransaction ft) {


        public void onTabReselected(ActionBar.Tab tab, FragmentTransaction ft) {

    //adding the tab and fragment object
    st.addTab(tab,new f1());