
WalletConnect protocol V1 implementation for Kotlin and Android projects

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

WalletConnect V1

Implementation of WalletConnect protocol V1 in Kotlin.

  • Heavily uses Kotlin Coroutines.
  • Extendable, you can provide your own implementation of almost anything
  • Can be used in any Kotlin or Android project. Only Android sample app is provided.
  • ⚠️ Warning: Usage from Java projects is not tested
  • ⚠️ Warning: APIs are not final yet, breaking changes should be expected



1. DApp & Wallet


You can provide your own implementation of DApp and Wallet

2. Socket


You can provide your own implementation of Socket

3. Adapter

// or

You can provide your own implementation of JsonAdapter

4. Session Store

// or (Android only)

You can provide your own implementation of SessionStore

5. Custom Request Models


6. Other

7. Base module to provide your own implementations



Make sure to check Documentation of Functions & Models. They contain helpful information.

Create DApp/Wallet
fun createDApp(sessionStoreName: String)
        : DApp {
    return DAppManager(
            socket = createSocket(),
            sessionStore = createSessionStore(sessionStoreName),
            jsonAdapter = createJsonAdapter(),

fun createWallet(sessionStoreName: String)
        : Wallet {
    return WalletManager(
            socket = createSocket(),
            sessionStore = createSessionStore(sessionStoreName),
            jsonAdapter = createJsonAdapter(),

fun createSocketService(url: String,
                        lifecycleRegistry: LifecycleRegistry)
        : SocketService {

    // you can ignore this
    val interceptor = HttpLoggingInterceptor().apply {
        level = HttpLoggingInterceptor.Level.HEADERS

    // change depending on your needs
    val okHttpClient = OkHttpClient.Builder()
            .callTimeout(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
            .readTimeout(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
            .writeTimeout(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
            // "https://bridge.walletconnect.org" -> i think BridgeServer responds with "missing or invalid socket data"
            // "https://safe-walletconnect.gnosis.io" -> ping works fine
            .pingInterval(4, TimeUnit.SECONDS)

    val webSocketFactory = okHttpClient.newWebSocketFactory(url)

    // you can use something else instead of Gson, make sure to provide SocketMessageTypeAdapter() & JsonRpcMethodTypeAdapter()
    val gson = GsonBuilder()
            .registerTypeAdapter(SocketMessageType::class.java, SocketMessageTypeAdapter())
            .registerTypeAdapter(JsonRpcMethod::class.java, JsonRpcMethodTypeAdapter())

    val scarlet = Scarlet.Builder()
            .backoffStrategy(ExponentialBackoffStrategy(initialDurationMillis = 1_000L,
                                                        maxDurationMillis = 8_000L))

    return scarlet.create(SocketService::class.java)

fun createSocket()
        : Socket {
    val gson = GsonBuilder()
            .registerTypeAdapter(SocketMessageType::class.java, SocketMessageTypeAdapter())
            .registerTypeAdapter(JsonRpcMethod::class.java, JsonRpcMethodTypeAdapter())

    return SocketManager(
            socketServiceFactory = { url, lifecycleRegistry -> createSocketService(url, lifecycleRegistry) },

fun createSessionStore(name: String)
        : SessionStore {

    // return anything that implements SessionStore

    //val sharedPrefs = requireContext().applicationContext.getSharedPreferences(name, Context.MODE_PRIVATE)
    //return SharedPrefsSessionStore(
    //        sharedPrefs,
    //        dispatcherProvider,
    //        logger

    return FileSessionStore(
            File(requireContext().filesDir, "$name.json"),

fun createJsonAdapter()
        : JsonAdapter {

    // return anything that implements JsonAdapter. Make sure to provide SocketMessageTypeAdapter() & JsonRpcMethodTypeAdapter()

    //val gson = GsonBuilder()
    //        .registerTypeAdapter(SocketMessageType::class.java, SocketMessageTypeAdapter())
    //        .registerTypeAdapter(JsonRpcMethod::class.java, JsonRpcMethodTypeAdapter())
    //        .serializeNulls()
    //        .create()
    //return GsonAdapter(gson)

    val moshi = Moshi.Builder()
    return MoshiAdapter(moshi)


val connectionParams = ConnectionParams(
        topic = UUID.randomUUID().toString(), // unique topic = unique session
        version = "1",
        // "https://bridge.walletconnect.org" -> when one peer deletes session while other peer is disconnected, 
        //     other peer never gets that message even after connecting. Also pings in socket is not supported
        bridgeUrl = "https://safe-walletconnect.gnosis.io",
        symmetricKey = "..." // 32 byte (64 char) encryption/decryption key. You can use `Cryptography.generateSymmetricKey().toHex()`

val initialSessionState = InitialSessionState(
        myPeerId = UUID.randomUUID().toString(),
        myPeerMeta = PeerMeta(
                name = "DApp",
                url = "https://dapp.com",
                description = "DApp Description",
                icons = listOf("https://www.dapp.com/img/Icon_Logotype_2.png")

val dApp: DApp = createDApp(sessionStoreName = "...")

Open Socket

                     callback = ::onSessionCallback,
                     onOpen = { freshOpened ->
                         // sendSessionRequest() etc...
// or
coroutineScope.launch(dispatcherProvider.io()) {
    val freshOpened = dApp.openSocket(initialSessionState,
                                      callback = ::onSessionCallback)
    // sendSessionRequest() etc...


dApp.closeAsync(deleteLocal = false,
                deleteRemote = false,
                onClosed = { freshClosed ->
                    // ..
// or 
coroutineScope.launch(dispatcherProvider.io()) {
    val freshClosed = dApp.close(deleteLocal = false,
                                 deleteRemote = false)
    // ...

// close & delete session
dApp.closeAsync(deleteLocal = true,
                deleteRemote = true,
                onClosed = { freshClosed ->
                    // ..

Session Request


Sign Request

coroutineScope.launch(dispatcherProvider.io()) {
    val ethSign = EthSign(address = "...",
                          message = "...", // raw string for SignType.Sign, hex string for SignType.PersonalSign
                          type = SignType.Sign) // or SignType.PersonalSign

    // ethSign.validate()

    val messageId: Long? = dApp.sendRequest(
            method = ethSign.type.toMethod(),
            data = ethSign.toList(),
            itemType = String::class.java
    // You can store Map<messageId, MyCallback>, so when you get response for this messageId in 'onSessionCallback', 
    //  you can invoke corresponding MyCallback

// or
        method = ethSign.type.toMethod(),
        data = ethSign.toList(),
        itemType = String::class.java,
        onRequested = {},
        onRequestError = {},
        onCallback = {}

EthSendTransaction Request

// Check sample for sending custom token using SmartContract address. 
// There is also gas estimation API example for Binance Smart Chain
// Check HexByteExtensions.kt for 'toHex' extension on String/Long/Int
fun createTransaction()
        : EthTransaction {
    return EthTransaction(
            from = approvedAddress,
            to = "0x621261D26847B423Df639848Fb53530025a008e8",
            data = "",
            chainId = approvedChainId.toHex(),

            gas = null,
            gasPrice = null,
            gasLimit = null,
            maxFeePerGas = null,
            maxPriorityFeePerGas = null,

            value = "0x" + BigInteger("10000000000000000").toString(16), // 1_000_000_000_000_000_000L.toHex(),
            nonce = null

coroutineScope.launch(dispatcherProvider.io()) {
    // you can call EthTransaction.validate() before sending
    val messageId: Long? = dApp.sendRequest(
            data = listOf(createTransaction()),
            itemType = EthTransaction::class.java
    // You can store Map<messageId, MyCallback>, so when you get response for this messageId in 'onSessionCallback', 
    //  you can invoke corresponding MyCallback
// or
        data = listOf(createTransaction()),
        itemType = EthTransaction::class.java,
        onRequested = {},
        onRequestError = {},
        onCallback = {}

Custom Request

// check JsonRpcMethod file for list of default provided
coroutineScope.launch(dispatcherProvider.io()) {
    val messageId: Long? = dApp.sendRequest(
            data = listOf(MyClass()),
            itemType = MyClass::class.java

// or
        data = listOf(MyClass()),
        itemType = MyClass::class.java,
        onRequested = {},
        onRequestError = {},
        onCallback = {}

Custom SocketMessage

// 'dApp.sendRequest' uses 'encryptPayloadAndPublish' under the hood, you can use 'encryptPayloadAndPublish' directly


// dApp.generateMessageId()
// dApp.getInitialSessionState()   // inherited from SessionLifecycle interface
// dApp.disconnectSocket()         // inherited from SessionLifecycle interface
// dApp.reconnectSocket()          // inherited from SessionLifecycle interface

// Callbacks
fun onSessionCallback(callbackData: CallbackData) {
    coroutineScope.launch(dispatcherProvider.ui()) {
        when (callbackData) {
            is SessionCallback -> {
                when (callbackData) {
                    // ...        
            is SocketCallback -> {
                when (callbackData) {
                    // ...
            is RequestCallback -> {
                when (callbackData) {
                    // ...
            is FailureCallback -> {
                // ...

// DeepLink to Wallet app
fun triggerDeepLink() {
    val currentSessionState = dApp.getInitialSessionState() ?: return
    try {
        val myIntent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(currentSessionState.connectionParams.toUri()))
    } catch (_: ActivityNotFoundException) {
                          "No application can handle this request. Please install a wallet app",


val connectionParams: ConnectionParams // get through deeplink, QR code ...

val initialSessionState = InitialSessionState(
        myPeerId = UUID.randomUUID().toString(),
        myPeerMeta = PeerMeta(
                name = "Wallet",
                url = "https://wallet.com",
                description = "Wallet Description",
                icons = listOf("https://img.favpng.com/1/20/24/wallet-icon-png-favpng-TQrAD3mHXn7Yey6wnt6aa97YF.jpg")

val wallet: Wallet = createWallet(sessionStoreName = "...")

Open Socket

                       callback = ::onSessionCallback,
                       onOpen = { freshOpened ->
                           // sendSessionRequest() etc...
// or
coroutineScope.launch(dispatcherProvider.io()) {
    val freshOpened = wallet.openSocket(initialSessionState,
                                        callback = ::onSessionCallback)
    // sendSessionRequest() etc...


wallet.closeAsync(deleteLocal = false,
                  deleteRemote = false,
                  onClosed = { freshClosed ->
                      // ..
// or 
coroutineScope.launch(dispatcherProvider.io()) {
    val freshClosed = wallet.close(deleteLocal = false,
                                   deleteRemote = false)
    // ...

// close & delete session
wallet.closeAsync(deleteLocal = true,
                  deleteRemote = true,
                  onClosed = { freshClosed ->
                      // ..

Session Request

// Approve
wallet.approveSession(chainId = 1,
                      accounts = listOf("0x621261D26847B423Df639848Fb53530025a008e8"))

// Reject

// Update
// if 'approved' is false, close() is called internally. Session is deleted from both peers
wallet.updateSession(chainId = 2,
                     accounts = listOf("0x621261D26847B423Df639848Fb53530025a008e8"),
                     approved = true)

Other Requests

// respond with same messageId!

// Approve
                      result = signature, // or anything else
                      resultType = String::class.java)

// Reject

Custom SocketMessage

// you can use 'encryptPayloadAndPublish' directly to send custom SocketMessage


// dApp.generateMessageId()
// dApp.getInitialSessionState()   // inherited from SessionLifecycle interface
// dApp.disconnectSocket()         // inherited from SessionLifecycle interface
// dApp.reconnectSocket()          // inherited from SessionLifecycle interface

// Callbacks
fun onSessionCallback(callbackData: CallbackData) {
    coroutineScope.launch(dispatcherProvider.ui()) {
        when (callbackData) {
            is SessionCallback -> {
                when (callbackData) {
                    // ...        
            is SocketCallback -> {
                when (callbackData) {
                    // ...
            is RequestCallback -> {
                when (callbackData) {
                    // ...
            is FailureCallback -> {
                // ...
Local Session List
// obtain same sessionStore used for DApp/Wallet
val sessionStore = return FileSessionStore(
        File(requireContext().filesDir, "$name.json"),

// one-time list
coroutineScope.launch(dispatcherProvider.io()) {
    val sessions: Set? = sessionStore.getAll()

// list as hot flow
        .onEach {}
        .catch {}

// Check SessionStore for other methods


  • encrypt
  • decrypt
  • computeHMAC
  • randomBytes
  • generateSymmetricKey


  • String.hexToByteArray
  • String.isHex
  • String.toHex
  • ByteArray.toHex
  • Long.toHex
  • Int.toHex


Sample Android App

List         List Error

Image 1:

  1. PeerId & Logo of DApp/Wallet
  2. Approved ChainId & Accounts
  3. Logs (make sure to press 'Clear' button once a while)
  4. Callbacks
  5. Action Buttons (can scroll horizontally)
  6. Session List (image 2)
  7. Color changes depending on Socket connection state (orange/green/red)

Image 2:

  • Click to reconnect to any previous Session
  • Press delete icon to delete any previous Session

Other notes:

  • Single unique topic is created per app open (kill & reopen app to change topic)
  • dApp (above half of screen) & wallet (below half of screen) share same topic

Changelog & Migration


ProGuard (Android)

Example in sample

### WalletConnect
-keepclassmembers class walletconnect.core.requests.eth.** {
    public synthetic <methods>;
-keepclassmembers class walletconnect.core.session.model.** {
    public synthetic <methods>;
-keepclassmembers class walletconnect.core.session_state.model.** {
    public synthetic <methods>;
-keepclassmembers class walletconnect.core.socket.model.** {
    public synthetic <methods>;
-keepclassmembers class walletconnect.requests.** {
    public synthetic <methods>;
Other dependencies
### Kotlin
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33547643/how-to-use-kotlin-with-proguard
# https://medium.com/@AthorNZ/kotlin-metadata-jackson-and-proguard-f64f51e5ed32
-keepclassmembers class **$WhenMappings {
-keep class kotlin.Metadata { *; }
-keepclassmembers class kotlin.Metadata {
    public <methods>;

### Kotlin Coroutine
# Most of volatile fields are updated with AFU and should not be mangled
# ServiceLoader support
-keepnames class kotlinx.coroutines.internal.MainDispatcherFactory {}
-keepnames class kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineExceptionHandler {}
-keepnames class kotlinx.coroutines.android.AndroidExceptionPreHandler {}
-keepnames class kotlinx.coroutines.android.AndroidDispatcherFactory {}
# Most of volatile fields are updated with AFU and should not be mangled
-keepclassmembernames class kotlinx.** {
    volatile <fields>;
# Same story for the standard library's SafeContinuation that also uses AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater
-keepclassmembernames class kotlin.coroutines.SafeContinuation {
    volatile <fields>;
-dontwarn kotlinx.atomicfu.**
-dontwarn kotlinx.coroutines.flow.**

-keep class kotlin.Metadata { *; }
-keepclassmembers class kotlin.Metadata {
    public <methods>;

### Gson 
# uses generic type information stored in a class file when working with fields. 
# Proguard removes such information by default, so configure it to keep all of it.
-keepattributes Signature
# For using GSON @Expose annotation
-keepattributes *Annotation*
# Gson specific classes
-dontwarn sun.misc.**
#-keep class com.google.gson.stream.** { *; }
# Application classes that will be serialized/deserialized over Gson
-keep class com.google.gson.examples.android.model.** { <fields>; }
# Prevent proguard from stripping interface information from TypeAdapter, TypeAdapterFactory,
# JsonSerializer, JsonDeserializer instances (so they can be used in @JsonAdapter)
-keep class * extends com.google.gson.TypeAdapter
-keep class * implements com.google.gson.TypeAdapterFactory
-keep class * implements com.google.gson.JsonSerializer
-keep class * implements com.google.gson.JsonDeserializer
# Prevent R8 from leaving Data object members always null
-keepclassmembers,allowobfuscation class * {
  @com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName <fields>;

### JSR305
-dontwarn javax.annotation.**

### OkHttp3
-dontwarn okhttp3.**
-dontwarn okio.**
-dontwarn javax.annotation.**
# A resource is loaded with a relative path so the package of this class must be preserved.
-keepnames class okhttp3.internal.publicsuffix.PublicSuffixDatabase
