Simple command-line tool to fetch files from S3 that have been stored using the mhook ultimate freshness layout (MUFL).
Where available it will attempt to use the EC2 metadata to get credentials.
The MUFL layout:
s3://$bucket/$project/$branch/HEAD <- contains id of latest commit s3://$bucket/$project/$branch/latest/* <- latest artifacts s3://$bucket/$project/$branch/$commit/* <- artifacts at commit id
curl -o mhook chmod +x mhook ./mhook -b wercker-development -p mhook darwin_amd64/build mhook.darwin_amd64 ./mhook -b wercker-development -p mhook --commit c8as2qws upload mhook.darwin_amd64 darwin_amd64/build/ --latest
NAME: mhook - [global options] path [dest] USAGE: mhook [global options] command [command options] [arguments...] VERSION: 0.0.0 COMMANDS: help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command GLOBAL OPTIONS: --bucket, -b S3 bucket --project, -p project name --branch 'master' git branch --commit 'latest' git commit (or 'latest') --access-key AWS access key [$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID] --secret-key AWS access key [$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY] --region 'us-east-1' AWS region --help, -h show help --version, -v print the version