A tool for managing business vocabularies.
List terms Search for a term Load Terms from an XML or SCSV file and split into one document per concept
- For Command line usage run:
$ ml -h
Create a deploy/local.properties file
user=your-ml-admin-username password=your password app-port= xcc=port=
This step is only needed when database configurations have changed or on a fresh install. In most cases you will not need to restart your server.
- Open a command prompt in the root folder of Roxy.
If your server is not configured as local-server in build.properties then substitute your environment here ( local | dev | prod ) $ ml local bootstrap
- Depending on what changed you may need to restart MarkLogic in order to proceed. If you see output telling you to restart...
$ ml local restart
This step describes how to deploy your Roxy application into your MarkLogic Server modules database. If you have elected to run your code locally out of the filesystem you do not need to do this.
- Open a command prompt in the root folder of the MarkLogic Business Glossary
$ ml local deploy modules
$ ml local deploy content
Now point your web browser to http://localhost:8040 Run the splitter.