
Primary LanguageXSLTApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Semantic News Search

This sample application illustrates some uses of MarkLogic 7's new semantic search capabilities, including support for the SPARQL RDF query language.

For installation instructions, see "Installation steps" at the end of this document.

Project overview

The project consists of a MarkLogic search application enhanced with some RDF-based features:

  • RDF-based infobox generation for countries and companies
  • RDF-based search term expansion
  • Display of RDF metadata associated with each search result

The data set consists of articles from BBC World News. We used the OpenCalais web service to automatically identify article categories, as well as entities mentioned inside each article (such as countries, companies, people, cities, etc.). All such RDF metadata returned from the web service was then loaded into MarkLogic's triple store. For infobox data, we used RDF from DBpedia.org, identified via OpenCalais-supplied sameAs links.

How the infobox works

When the user types "ireland", for example, not only will all articles mentioning "ireland" be returned in the results, but an infobox containing some facts about the country of Ireland will be displayed on the right-hand side of the page.

Getting the data

Once the pre-archived data has been loaded (steps 1-3 in the installation steps), we additionally need to associate the OpenCalais-identified entities with corresponding DBpedia resources. Since our infobox will support both countries and companies, we use SPARQL to find all the currently (non-DBpedia) resources of those types, and then go to opencalais.com to retrieve further information about them.

Once we have those sameAs links loaded, we can now pull in the necessary data from DBpedia.org.

Each step in this two-step process uses the sem:sparql() function, as well as the sem:rdf-load() function:

  1. load-opencalais-sameAs-links.xqy
  2. load-dbpedia-data.xqy

Generating the infobox

Once the data has been loaded, we use SPARQL to find the relevant infobox resource based on what the user typed into the search box. The SPARQL used in this module is an example of how you can use the cts:contains() function in a SPARQL FILTER expression, as well as the use of sem:describe() to return the triples relevant to the resource's infobox:

Once the triples are returned (in XML format), their display is configured, depending on which type of resource is being rendered (a company or a country), and implemented, in this XSLT module:

RDF-based faceting

In order to efficiently support result faceting on values appearing in an RDF graph, we automatically store the triples containing the values we want to facet on with the documents to which they apply. This also allows us to combine triple queries with other kinds of queries (such as word searches).

Storing triples with documents

We need only store certain triples with the documents themselves, not the entire graph. To determine which triples to copy to the document (or its properties fragment, which is what this application does), we run a SPARQL query. The following module, which needs to run as a one-time process (in step 5 below), calls sem:sparql() to retrieve the relevant triples and then xdmp:document-set-properties() to store those triples with the document to which they apply:

In order to enable reuse of the above script, the SPARQL queries themselves are configured in a separate config file, on which the application code also depends:

Each SPARQL query is run once for each document to find all the triples that use the RDF property we want to facet on (e.g. organizationtype). In each case, the $facetProperty and $docId SPARQL variables are replaced before passing the SPARQL query to sem:sparql().

Then, in order to support faceting on these values, we create a (field path) range index for each one (in step 6 below). This too is done automatically, as configured by facets.xml:

Once the triples are copied and the indexes are created, the data is ready to be used by the app.

Using the Search API to facet on RDF values

To facet on triples, we configure a custom constraint in the Search API options, one for each facet configured in facets.xml. This is done in the $options variable definition in the following module:

Since it is a custom constraint, we need to write some XQuery to define what cts query is generated when the user enters (or clicks on) the given facet/constraint. The following module configures the behavior. It uses a cts:triple-range-query() to find documents matching the constraint, and it uses cts:field-values() to retrieve all the values for the given facet:

The Search API combines the triple-range-query with the rest of the user's query, effectively making a combination query (full-text + RDF).

RDF-based search term expansion

All of the facets except the "category" facet follow a similar pattern: "organization type", "person type", "product type", and "political event type". They categorize documents based on certain types of entities that they mention. For example, producttype:Aircraft will return all documents mentioning various specific aircrafts.

The idea of RDF-based term expansion is that you could run a SPARQL query in order to leverage semantic information to expand the user's original query. In this case, we are expanding specific constraints for highlighting purposes only. For example, "Boeing 777" and "Air Force One" will automatically be highlighted in the search results even though the documents themselves do not mark up these phrases. We are using the triple store to augment the display of the results.

You could expand a user's query via SPARQL to expand the range of documents that would be returned from a search, but in this case, since the documents are already categorized by facet, we are expanding the query only for the purpose of highlighting entities in the results. This is all done in a custom snippeting function in the following module:

The above script uses SPARQL to find a list of all instances of the given type (e.g. aircraft), constructing from that result a union of word queries that is then combined with the user's original query for highlighting purposes. This too is configured by facets.xml.

Displaying metadata in search results

In addition to finding documents based on SPARQL queries, we can display additional metadata for each result based on a SPARQL query. In the case of this application, we are only displaying the categories for each document. Since they have already been associated with the document via its properties, the code makes use of that fact. However, the alternative SPARQL-based implementation is also included (commented-out) to illustrate how this would be done in general, particularly when the metadata is not stored with the document and thus must be retrieved from the RDF graph.

Installation steps

  1. Configure database & servers using the packaging config.

    Go to MarkLogic Server's Configuration Manager page, click the "Import" tab, and browse to the packaging config zip file provided in this project. Then review and apply the imported server configuration changes.

  2. Load the pre-processed BBC documents using mlcp:

    Here's the command I used, ran inside the "data/ingest" directory (be sure to first change the output_uri_replace value):

     mlcp.bat import -host localhost -port 8022 -username admin -password admin -input_file_path content -mode local -input_file_type documents -output_collections "http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/content" -output_uri_replace "C:/cygwin/home/evanlenz/semantic-search/data/ingest/content,'content/news'"
  3. Load the OpenCalais-supplied RDF triples using mlcp.

    Here's the command, ran inside the "data/ingest" directory

     mlcp.bat import -host localhost -port 8022 -username admin -password admin -input_file_path graph -mode local -input_file_type RDF -output_collections "http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/graph" -output_uri_prefix "/graph/news/"
  4. Create an app server, e.g. "EnhancedSearchMaintenance", with a server root pointing to the "src/main/xquery" directory. This will be for running the following data preparation scripts. The next steps assume it's at port 8023.

  5. Copy the triples needed for faceting into document properties by running the following script: http://localhost:8023/ingestion/store-triples-as-properties.xqy

    See the error log file to track its progress.

  6. Create the necessary indexes to support faceting by running the following script: http://localhost:8023/ingestion/create-field-indexes.xqy

  7. Test the app at http://localhost:8021/search. Faceting should now work.

Loading the infobox data

  1. Fetch sameAs links from opencalais.com, by invoking this script: http://localhost:8023/ingestion/load-opencalais-sameAs-links.xqy

    See the error log file to track its progress.

    NOTE: d.opencalais.com seems to be intermittently unavailable; try again later if necessary.

    Also, maddeningly, not all the sameAs links, particularly the dbpedia.org ones, appear in every request. This too is intermittent. You might want to run the script when it appears that opencalais.com is actually returning dbpedia.org sameAs links. Refresh this page as a test: http://d.opencalais.com/er/company/ralg-tr1r/9bb26018-f501-329e-b57d-5e1ec16f1bd0.html

    The upshot is that you may get only a portion of the available sameAs links, and possibly different ones on different invocations. This determines which entities will have corresponding infoboxes.

  2. Fetch the infobox data from DBPedia by invoking this script: http://localhost:8023/ingestion/load-dbpedia-data.xqy

    See the error log file to track its progress.