CSE3242: Operating System & System Programming Lab RU Sir Marked Questions

  1. To write a C program to simulate the create, delete, copy, and move file operation functions of an operating system. :(
  2. To write a C program for implementation of Priority scheduling algorithm.
  3. To write a C program for implementation of Round Robin scheduling algorithm
  4. To write a C program for implementation of FCFS scheduling algorithm.
  5. To write a C program for implementation of SJF scheduling algorithm.
  6. To write a C program to implement banker's algorithm for deadlock avoidance.
  7. To write a C program to implement algorithm for deadlock detection.
  8. To write a C program for implementation memory allocation methods for fixed partition using first fit.
  9. To write a C program for implementation memory allocation methods for fixed partition using best fit.
  10. To write a C program for implementation memory allocation methods for fixed partition using worst fit
  11. To write a C program for implementation of FIFO page replacement algorithm.
  12. To write a c program to implement LRU page replacement algorithm.
  13. To write C program to implement LFU page replacement algorithm. Not Marked
  14. To write a c program to implement Threading and Synchronization Applications.
  15. To write a c program to implement Paging technique for memory management.
  16. To write C program to implement Second-chance/Enhanced Second-chance page replacement algorithm.
  17. To write C program to organize the file using single level directory.
  18. To write C program to organize the file using two level directory.