
Primary LanguagePython

RAG Studio Demo Code

Note: This feature is in Private Preview. To try it, reach out to your Databricks contact or rag-feedback@databricks.com.

The software and other materials included in this repo ("Copyrighted Materials") are protected by US and international copyright laws and are the property of Databricks, Inc. The Copyrighted Materials are not provided under a license for public or third-party use. Accordingly, you may not access, use, copy, modify, publish, and/or distribute the Copyrighted Materials unless you have received prior written authorization or a license from Databricks to do so.


We suggest following the below tutorials to get started, but you can also refer to our documentation:


Important: Before you start, open the wheel_installer notebook and replace the PUT_* placeholders with the URLs you recieved from your Databricks representative.

%pip install --quiet "PUT_RAG_EVAL_SUITE_WHEEL_HERE"
%pip install --quiet "PUT_RAG_STUDIO_WHEEL_HERE"

Note: While stored in the Git repo as .py files, these .py files are actually Databricks Notebooks - if you import the file using Databricks, it will render as a Notebook in the Notebook editor. We suggest adding a Git Folder in your Databricks workspace based on a forked copy of this repo.

Tutorial 1: Hello world

Creating a chain

First, let's create the most minimal chain in RAG Studio. This tutorial will familarize you with the basics of the development workflow and the chain input/output schema.

When using RAG Studio, you create your chain code using LangChain inside a Notebook. Open the hello_world_chain Notebook, review the commented code, and try running it.

Note: If you need support for Python based chains, please reach out to our team.

Logging & deploying a chain

Now, let's log this chain to MLflow and deploy it to the Review App.

When using RAG Studio, you create, evaluate, and deploy new versions of your chain using a "Driver" notebook. For now, let's just log and deploy the chain. Open the 1_hello_world_driver_notebook Notebook, review the code, and try running it.

If successful, you will be able to chat with your hello world chain in the Review App.

Tutorial 2: Hello World w/ parameterization

Parameterizing a chain

RAG Studio supports parameterizing your chains - this allows you to quickly iterate on quality related parameters (such as the prompt or retriever configuruation) while holding the chain's code constant.

Parameterization is based on a YAML file. Open 2_hello_world_config.yaml for an example of the configuration file - the structure of the YAML is up to you, although in the next tutorial, you will see our suggested structure.

Open 2_hello_world_parameterized_chain and 2_hello_world_parameterized_driver_notebook to see how this works in practice.

How to access configuration settings:

# Get the configuration YAML
rag_config = RagConfig("1_hello_world_config.yaml")

Tutorial 3: Creating & evaluating a RAG chain

NOw, we will create a simple RAG chain with PDF files from a UC Volume.

Create a UC Volume with PDF files

Create a UC Volume and load PDF files. You can use the PDFs from the directory sample_pdfs to get started quickly - these PDFs are a few recent research papers from Matei's lab.

Create a Vector Index

Open and follow the steps in the notebook 3_load_pdf_to_vector_index to load PDF files from the UC Volume to a Vector Index. The sample notebook uses the BGE embedding model hosted on FMAPI, but later tutorials show you how to use OpenAI's embedding models.

Prototype a RAG Chain

  1. Take the output from the last cell in the 3_load_pdf_to_vector_index notebook and overwrite the first few lines of the 3_rag_chain_config.yaml configuration so your chain can use the vector index you just created.

  2. Open the notebook 3_rag_chain and run the code locally to test the chain. This chain uses the Databricks-DBRX-Instruct model hosted on FMAPI.

Log & evaluate a RAG Chain

To understand the evaluation metrics and LLM judges that are used to evaluate your chain, refer to the metrics overview.

  1. Open the notebook 3_rag_chain_driver_notebook to log, evaluate, and deploy the chain.
  2. Share the deployed Review App with your users to interact with the chain and provide feedback.

Advanced examples & tutorials

4. Multi-turn converastion

The chain 4_rag_chain_w_conversation_history and 4_rag_chain_w_conversation_history_config.yaml is an example showing you how to enable multi-turn conversation with a query re-writer prompt. You can use this example with the driver notebook from Tutorial #3.

5. Advanced Evaluation

5a. Using RAG Evaluation Suite without RAG Studio

If you have a RAG chain that was deployed outside of RAG Studio, you can still use the Evaluation Suite to assess the chain's quality. See 5_evaluation_without_rag_studio to see how to do this.

5b. Improving LLM judge accuracy with few-shot examples

To improve the accuracy of the Databricks judges, you can provide few-shot examples of "good" and "bad" answers for each LLM judge. Databricks strongly reccomends providing at least 2 postive and 2 negative examples per judge to improve the accuracy. See the bottom of the notebook 5_evaluation_without_rag_studio for how to do this.

Note: Even though this example configuration is included in the non-RAG Studio evaluation example, you can use the example configuration with the RAG Studio evaluation tutorials above.

6. Review user feedback from the Review App

You can use the human feedback collected using the Review App to:

  • Determine where you chain is working well and/or not working
  • Curate an evaluation set for offline evaluation
  • Fine tune a generation or embedding model to improve quality

All deployed models from RAG Studio automatically collect trace logs and human feedback to an Inference Table. Use the notebook 6_export_inference_table_to_logs to turn this Inference Table into a well-schemed request_log (with traces) and assessment_log with human feedback.

7. Request expert stakeholder input on logs

If you are unsure if a request/response from your deployed RAG Chain is correct or you got negative feedback on the request/response but are unsure why, you can use the Review App to request human feedback on requests from a deployed RAG chain.