
Datathon 2021 Repository

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Datathon 2021 Repository

- notebooks
- raw_data             <-- do NOT check in; keep in your local folders only
   |- DataDictionary*.csv
   |- Training*.csv
Who Submission Score Notes
Jeny 1 .84172 Catboost
Jeny 2 .49744 KNNImputer, Catboost
Jeny 3 and 4 .50456
Jeny 5 .49744 Remove lower features from 2
Jeny 6 .85176 AutoViML
Jeny 7 .83502 Hour Data, AutoViML
Jeny 8 .85630 Day Data, AutoViML
Jamie 1 .616 RandomForest no FE
Jamie 2 .841 Tabnet v2

Jeny's Submissions

Submission 1 In this submission I dropped all columns with over 40% missing values and ran through Catboost. Score on Kaggle: 0.84172

Submission 2 In this submission, I deleted 72 features determined not useful after looking at charts from my SweetViz notebook and/or because of excessive missing data. I then did feature engineering to include but reduce the categories for hospital_id and icu_id, counting their frequencies of encounters and binning hospitals and icus into 1-3 and 1-5, respectively smallest to largest. These new features are named hospital_size and icu_size Next I used KNNImputer to impute the missing data. Finally the model was again trained with Catboost. Score: 0.49744

Submission 3/4 fail in code and setting up Score: 0.50456

Submission 5 Removed lower 89ish of feature importances from Sub 2 Score: 0.49744

Submission 6 Trying out featurewiz and autoviml Score: 0.85176