
Static Cydia Repository Generator

Primary LanguageHTML


Boomerang is a static Cydia repository that can be run on Github Pages using Jekyll, or anywhere else.


Servers often aren't very cheap, and download bandwidth further raises the cost of Cydia repository servers. In order to counter this, Github Pages can be used to host a Cydia repository. Boomerang provides a very simple installation and update process, along with a modern Bootstrap design.


  • Boomerang is best setup on a Linux based machine due to the scripts involved in updating the repository.
  • A full theos installation should provide you with all the tools you need to get Boomerang running. You will need dkpg-dev installed.

Node Generator

  1. Install the node.js Boomerang generator with npm install boomerang-repo -g
  2. Run boomerang-init <directory> to generate a Boomerang repository.
  3. If you are using Github Pages
  4. Create a Github Repository and add the remote
  5. In your new Boomerang directory: * Run git init * Run git add -A to add all files * Run git commit -am "Initial Commit" * Run git checkout -B gh-pages to checkout the web branch * Run git push -u origin gh-pages to push your changes

Clone the example repository

  1. You can find the example Boomerang repository at the repository here.
  2. Clone the repository and change the remotes. You can now push your changes to your own repository.

Package JSON Files

  • Packages are stored as <package>.json in the packages/ directory. These files store all the relevant information about a package so that the website is able to retrieve it as users access depictions.

Example Package File (InstaMute):

	"name": "InstaMute",
	"package": "com.jake0oo0.instamute",
	"author": "Jake0oo0",
	"version": "1.0.2",
	"description": "Mute the more annoying users that you follow on Instagram from your main feed",
	"changelog": {
		"1.0.0": [
			"Initial Release"
		"1.0.2": [
			"Fixed preference issue with 64bit devices"
	"screenshots": {
		"instamute1.jpg": "Mute users from their profile",
		"instamute2.jpg": "Edit muted users in the settings",
		"instamute3.jpg": "Unmute users from their profile"
	"links": {
		"<span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-heart\"></span> Developer's Twitter": "https://twitter.com/itsjake88"
  • Name: The name of the package that will be displayed as the title.
  • Package: The full package of your .deb file that will be distributed.
  • Author: The author's name or username, along with an email if wanted.
  • Version: The current version o fthe application/tweak.
  • Changelog: A hash of versions corresponding to an array of changes for the specific version. There should always be at least one version equal to the current version listed above.
  • Screenshots: Once again, a hash of image file names that correspond to a caption or description for the image. Image paths are relative, and all images are stored in the images/ directory.
  • Links: Also a hash of HTML or text which corresponds to a link for the specified text. The key may be raw HTML if more content should be added, or it can be plain text. The URL can also be relative or an exact URL.


  • Edit the Release file with custom information.

Example Release File

Origin: Boomerang Repo # Source Editor - Short description
Label: Boomerang Repo # Package List
Suite: stable
Version: 1.0
Codename: ios
Architectures: iphoneos-arm
Components: main
Description: My Boomerang Repository # Repository description on sources view
  • You should change the commented lines, and remove the comments when done.

Repository Icon

  • You can and should change the CydiaIcon.png file to an icon of your liking. The icon should be 32x32, but can also have retina versions at either 64x64 or 96x96. The icon will always be displayed at 32x32 in Cydia.
  • The Cydia icon also serves as the favicon and logo on the index page.

Custom Pages

  • All pages can be edited to make them customized and unique to your repository.
  • If you make any major edits, I suggest pull requesting said changes so that everyone can use them.
  • I would prefer if you leave at least one of the links to my Twitter or Github repository in the depictions, but it is your choice.
  • I also suggest customizing the home page to be unique, and have more content. You could add a list of packages, or create a blog using jekyll.

Package Management

  • To add a package run ./repo.sh add <package> <.deb file>
  • To force-update the Packages file, run ./repo.sh update



I would prefer that you leave at least one of the links to my twitter or to the boomerang repository in the depictions.

If you are using Boomerang for your repository, please shoot me an email, as I'd love to list it here!