Note Taker Application


This is a project to make a simple backend connection for an already designed and working front-end UI. The overall goal is to have a note-taker application that can store notes and delete notes depending on the user's intention.


The user would go to this app to enter notes for whatever their needs are. The app will store the notes and the notes can be deleted by the user.


The index.html landing page was predefined and coded for this project ahead of time. image

A majority of the design of the notes.html was also predefined and coded for this project ahead of time.


  • Node: 'npm install'
  • Express: 'npm install express'


I am still going through the coursework for a coding bootcamp. I use many different pieces from opensource to fully developed code to help me learn ways to accomplish the goals. Some of the main sites I used on this project are the following:


If there are issues with the site, please reach out to me, Jennifer Engle, at and reference the site's URL. Please provide any screenshots and behavior along with your browser information.


I am open to collaboration for contributing to updates to this page. Please email me at
There are no additional contributors at the time of the last commit to this project.

I'd like to thank David Love for helping me understand the GET POST and DELETE methods better.


There is no license for this project.