I want to build a weather forecast dashboard that will run in the browser and feature dynamically updated HTML and CSS. I will use calls to server-side APIs such as https://openweathermap.org/forecast5.
AS A traveler
I WANT to see the weather outlook for multiple cities
SO THAT I can plan a trip accordingly
GIVEN a weather dashboard with form inputs
WHEN I search for a city
THEN I am presented with current and future conditions for that city and that city is added to the search history
WHEN I view current weather conditions for that city
THEN I am presented with the city name, the date, an icon representation of weather conditions, the temperature, the humidity, and the wind speed
WHEN I view future weather conditions for that city
THEN I am presented with a 5-day forecast that displays the date, an icon representation of weather conditions, the temperature, the wind speed, and the humidity
WHEN I click on a city in the search history
THEN I am again presented with current and future conditions for that city
No visuals currently available because this page/site is still in development.
As-Is: https://jengle-dev.github.io/Weather-Forecast/
If there are issues with the site, please reach out to me, Jennifer Engle, at j.engle.dev@gmail.com and reference the site's URL. Please provide any screenshots and behavior along with your browser information.
I am open to collaboration for contributing to updates to this page. Please email me at j.engle.dev@gmail.com.
Jennifer Engle
No License is used on this site.
- In Progress
- https://openweathermap.org/forecast5
- https://api.jqueryui.com/
- https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.3/getting-started/javascript/
api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast?lat={lat}&lon={lon}&appid={API key}
- https://openweathermap.org/forecast5#geocoding
- ChatGPT to assist with code errors and research.