
Simple Python script that can create and rotate EBS snapshots

Primary LanguagePython

EBS Snapshot Manager

Simple Python script that can create and rotate EBS snapshots.


pip install boto

Create a config file in /etc/ebs_snapshot_manager.cfg with the following contents



You can set it to run only on specific instances or volumes. These values can be mixed and matched. However, there is currently no error reporting when you specify an impossible condition. For example: Filtering a volume and instance that aren't attached together.

The config file should NOT be world as it contains credentials. It is recommended that you create a separate user to run this script, not root or the same user as your webserver.

totalTokeep is the total number of snapshots to keep per-volume.

AWS permissions required:

  • ec2:CreateSnapshot
  • ec2:DeleteSnapshot
  • ec2:DescribeInstances
  • ec2:DescribeSnapshots
  • ec2:DescribeVolumes
  • ec2:CreateTags

Add a cron entry for how often you would like the snapshots to be generated. EBS snapshots can get expensive so keep that in mind on how often you choose to run it.

Example of my setup:


20 */2 * * * snapshots /usr/local/bin/ebs_snapshot_manager.py >> /var/log/ebs_snapshot_manager.log 2>&1