RubyPong is a simple Pong clone, with a few additions in color, game speeds, music, and settings screens. It's based on the tutorial by Tyler J Church at, with some changes, additions and tweaks by yours truly. It's built in Ruby, and runs on the Rubygame gem.
- ManWithCode Tutorial: and
- Rubygame
- Ruby
Until I create an installer for this game, you'll need to install:
- Ruby = 1.9.3, 2.0.0 (this is what I've tested, it make work with other versions)
- Rubygame = 2.6.4
- Ruby-sdl-ffi gem, found at
If you have RVM, you can simply do:
$ cd rubyGame
$ rvm install 2.0.0
$ rvm use 2.0.0@rubygame --create
$ gem install bundler
$ bundle install
$ ruby ruby-pong.rb
RubyPong is copyright (c) 2013, Sierra Bravo Corp., dba The Nerdery. All rights reserved. See the LICENSE file for more information about this program's licensing.
The background music file is RoboWizard[EC] by the user EmperorCharlemagne on, and is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike licence.
The "pop" sound when buttons are clicked and when the ball hits was created by Tyler J Church and released into the public domain.
The ball.png file was created by myself, and released under the public domain.
The Overlock font files were created by and copyrighted to Dario Manuel Muhafara. See the OFL.txt file in the app/assets/fonts folder for the license and more information.
If you feel moved to contribute, report a bug, or have a pull request, please do so. I used this project as a learning process, and am certain there are many improvements and suggestions that can be made.
I primarily built this project during down time at my job with The Nerdery. I am immensely thankful for a job that offers the opportunity to learn new skills and expand my knowledge. So, big shout out to the Nerds!
Thank you.
Jen Heilemann (contact at