Pinned Repositories
CRM Nexus Web application- A Comprehensive customer relation platform made with MERN stack technologies with a loads of functionality. This CRM allows the admin/user to manage people inside the organization, Client outside the organization, has a dedicated platform for creating and downloading invoice ,and managing expense
EduVista is the digital place for learners to seek knowledge. EduVista has it's online book shop where they can buy the books and stuff, Also Courses,mentors and Login/Signup page. This project is made by Jenish H Patel using the help of React.js and Tailwind CSS with responsiveness
I have created a project using the MNIST dataset, a neural network is built to recognize handwritten digits from scanned images. This system can classify the images of handwritten digits into one of the ten categories (0 to 9).
I have created a python program where it extracts all the information from resume.
I have used different technologies of python and bit of machine learning concepts to analyze the data of tesla stocks
techmart is the Ecommerce platform for digital /electrical appliances made with MERN stack technologies.
techmart is the Ecommerce platform for digital /electrical appliances made with MERN stack technologies.
I have Created a system that predicts the likelihood of a person’s survival from drowning. Identify the factors that contribute to the outcome, such as socio-economic status, age, gender, and more
jenish04's Repositories
CRM Nexus Web application- A Comprehensive customer relation platform made with MERN stack technologies with a loads of functionality. This CRM allows the admin/user to manage people inside the organization, Client outside the organization, has a dedicated platform for creating and downloading invoice ,and managing expense
EduVista is the digital place for learners to seek knowledge. EduVista has it's online book shop where they can buy the books and stuff, Also Courses,mentors and Login/Signup page. This project is made by Jenish H Patel using the help of React.js and Tailwind CSS with responsiveness
I have created a project using the MNIST dataset, a neural network is built to recognize handwritten digits from scanned images. This system can classify the images of handwritten digits into one of the ten categories (0 to 9).
I have created a python program where it extracts all the information from resume.
I have used different technologies of python and bit of machine learning concepts to analyze the data of tesla stocks
techmart is the Ecommerce platform for digital /electrical appliances made with MERN stack technologies.
techmart is the Ecommerce platform for digital /electrical appliances made with MERN stack technologies.
I have Created a system that predicts the likelihood of a person’s survival from drowning. Identify the factors that contribute to the outcome, such as socio-economic status, age, gender, and more