
A basic example showing a simple implementation of microservices.

This project requires docker and docker-compose to be installed in your system. Apart from that, to run the frontend, you would need npm installed. Alternatively, you could avoid using the frontend and simply test the API gateway using tools like Postman.

Steps to run

  • Write docker-compose up --build in the terminal to start all the services. That's it!

Explanation of the Project

  • All the services - userService, blogService, commentService, likeService, and api-gateway are written in nodejs.
  • The api-gateway service uses expressjs to expose REST API endpoints to the external world. Internally, it converts the REST API calls to their respective grpc calls of each service.
  • Each of the other services - userService, blogService, commentService, and likeService uses nodejs, mongodb, and grpc to provide their respective functionalities.
  • userService - This service provides authentication and verification endpoints. It uses token-based authentication.
  • blogService - It is responsible for creation, and fetching of blogs, and checking whether blog exists or not.
  • commentService - This service is responsible for creation and fetching of comments.
  • likeService - This service is responsible for creation and fetching of likes.
  • Although all services use the same mongo service, they can be easily configured to be run on completely different mongo services without any modification in their code.
  • So in total, their are 6 services running in docker - api-gateway, userService, blogService, commentService, likeService, and mongodb.
  • api-gateway is exposed at the port - 8079. You can use tools like postman to hit the endpoints. The endpoints are defined in the ./api-gateway/routes folder.
  • Additionally, there is an optional (and quite good looking 😜) frontend which is written in React and bootstrap. You can run the frontend by going to the ./app/frontend folder and running npm start.

Modifying and Debugging

Modifying and debugging can be quite troublesome inside the docker container. That's why, each of the service can be run without docker simple by typing node index.js inside their respective folder. (node server.js for the api-gateway service). This way, the api-gateway would be exposed to the port 50049 port instead of 8079. Also, to run the frontend without docker, change the .env file inside ./app/frontend to use the port 50049.