Nodemcu displays weighing data in a web browser in real time using PHP & MySQL
digital hanging scale custom, nodemcu load cell amplifier high quality HX711, adaptor 5v/3A, jumper cable.
A. digital hanging scale to HX711 load cell amplifier
- disconnect the cables connecting the scale sensor (green-white-red-black) to the modified scale display board. Then solder the cables to the PCB
- use a mouse cable or a former speaker cable with a length of 1 - 1.2 meter to and connect the 4 cables to the PCB that has been soldered at number 1.
- the weighing case is punched at the top so that the 1 meter long cable can come out
- disconnect the cable connected to the battery on the modified scale display panel board.
- lastly, close the case gently tighten the bolt nut; make sure the position of the component parts remains the same when first opened.
- match the 4 wires coming from the weighing sensor to the load cell amplifier HX711 red - red, black - black, white - white, green - green
- Adjust the 4 pins on the HX711 load cell amplifier with the pins on the Nodemcu board. VCC - 5v, DAT - D5, CLK - D6, GND - GND
If you use HX711 green board:
Pin HX711 Loadcell
E+ -- Green
E- -- White
A- -- Black
A+ -- Red