

Library gathering a bunch of modules aiming at speeding up usual tasks dealing with data prep, visualization, profitability analysis and risk modelling in insurance field.

Getting Started

1. Installation process

To install use pip: pip install automate-insurance-pricing

Alternatively, install directly from github: pip install git+

  • Note: This package requires Python 3.7 and later.*

2. Sub modules and functions

This library is composed of several modules families:

  • data exploration
  • data preprocessing
  • profitability analysis
  • risk modelling
  • results exportation
  • other functions less specific

To import all modules from the family taks abc: from automate_insurance_pricing import abc

To import a specific module def from the family taks abc: from import def

To import all functions from a specific module def within the family abc : from import *

3. Software/Libraries dependencies

Several libraries will be automatically installed when you install our library. Below is a non-exhaustive list of the packages that will be installed.

  • pandas~=1.0
  • numpy~=1.18
  • scikit-learn~=0.22
  • scipy~=1.4
  • chainladder~=0.7
  • hyperopt~=0.2
  • joypy~=0.2
  • matplotlib~=3.1
  • openpyxl~=3.0
  • seaborn~=0.10
  • statsmodels~=0.11
  • xlrd~=1.2
  • XlsxWriter~=1.2
  • xlwings~=0.19

If some packages are not installed automatically, please do it manually.

4. Warnings

Reports module is too specific and cannot be reused as it is. Will be re-worked to be more general.


Anyone willing to make this library more exhaustive, more generic and efficient.