Google BigQuery Uploader

Uploads JSON record (each JSON object sperated by new line) content from file to Google BigQuery


$ mvn clean install


$ java -jar target/bigquery-uploader-1.0-SNAPSHOT-all.jar -h
 -bqFile FILE                 : BigQuery record file (JSON object separated by
                                new line)
 -createTable                 : Create new table using the given -tableId and
                                -schemaFile (default: false)
 -credentialFile FILE         : BigQuery JSON credential file
 -datasetId VAL               : BigQuery datasetId (Required)
 -h (-help)                   : Print help message (default: false)
 -insertIdField VAL           : Top level JSON field to use for insertId
                                (streaming upload only)
 -pollingInterval N           : Submitted job polling interval(in seconds)
                                (default: 1)
 -projectId VAL               : BigQuery projectId (Required)
 -schemaFile SCHEMA_JSON_FILE : Create BigQuery table using provided schama
 -streamingUpload             : Create new table using streaming upload
                                (default: false)
 -tableId VAL                 : BigQuery tableId (Required)
 -templateSuffix VAL          : Template suffix to be used with this upload
                                (streaming upload only)
 -writeDisposition VAL        : How the table data should be updated, possible
                                values WRITE_TRUNCATE, WRITE_EMPTY and
                                WRITE_APPEND(default) (default: WRITE_APPEND)


Create credential (JSON private key) using your service account. Refer to: Once you have the JSON private key, you can use any of the following options to setup credential to be used by uploader.

  • Use -credentialFile to provide path to your Google BigQuery JSON private key
  • Set GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS to the path to the JSON private key file
  • Set GOOGLE_JSON_KEY to the content of JSON private key file

Create table (if does not exist) and upload data

java -jar target/bigquery-uploader-1.0-SNAPSHOT-all.jar \
    -projectId PROJECTID \
    -datasetId DATASETID \
    -tableId TABLEID \
    -schemaFile PATH_TO_SCHEMA \

Upload data using streaming (slow)

java -jar target/bigquery-uploader-1.0-SNAPSHOT-all.jar \
    -projectId PROJECTID \
    -datasetId DATASETID \
    -tableId TABLEID \
    -schemaFile PATH_TO_SCHEMA \
    -createTable \