
Jenkins Infrastructure Status page https://status.jenkins.io

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


This is the Jenkins infrastructure project status page that generates status.jenkins.io. Feel free to announce future maintenance windows here.

HowTo Announce

To announce a new event, you need to create a file in the directory ./content/issues with a filename matching YYYY-MM-DD-event-tile.md. The content of this file depends on the kind of events.

Add new service page

hugo new services/www-jenkins-io.md

Then open the file 'services/www-jenkins-io.md' and modify the parameters according your need.

Maintenance Window

If you are planning to take down service to work on it, it’s best to notify the community enough in advance with a maintenance window, as follow

title: Event Title
resolved: true
resolvedWhen: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS UTC
# Possible severity levels: down, disrupted, notice
severity: notice

  - publick8s
section: issue

Event description



If you are aware of an incident which hasn’t been posted here, feel free to create an incident as follow

title: Incident Title
resolved: false
# Possible severity levels: down, disrupted, notice
severity: disrupted
  - get.jenkins.io
  - updates.jenkins.io
  - pkg.jenkins.io
section: issue


Informational posts

If you need to inform our community but it doesn’t involve any downtime then you can do as follow

title: Testing New cState Features
date: 2019-10-04 18:05:00 UTC
informational: true
section: issue

There is a new feature in cState version 4 that lets you make what are called _informational_ posts. The main difference is that there will be no _Unresolved_ or _Resolved in under a minute_ text on the pages.

This is essentially a page with a date and title.

Run locally

You need the following tools to run the website locally (with live-reload):

  • git command line, in version 2.x

  • Docker Engine in version 24.0+, including the "docker compose" command

Start by cloning locally the repository and retrieve the Hugo theme with the git sub module:

git clone https://github.com/jenkins-infra/status
cd ./status
git submodule init
git submodule update --recursive

You can now execute the website locally:

docker compose up --build --force-recreate

You can then access it at http://localhost:1313/.