An artifacts repository using cloud storage (a lightweight replacement for Nexus)
- 1
- 0
- 1
Error when downloading the file: writing file to cache: mkdir : no such file or directory
#65 opened by roulettedares - 0
environment variables in config.yaml
#63 opened by Raboo - 0
Does bucketrepo support tar archives ?
#61 opened by kaustubhd93 - 0
support s3 bucket encrypted with kms
#53 opened by rverma-dev - 1
- 5
- 13
bucketrepo does not work well with GCS
#19 opened by heroic - 1
- 4
#35 opened by gurpal2000 - 5
- 0
Latest release (0.1.41) doesn't work
#39 opened by patrickleet - 4
- 4
Implement latest api call
#29 opened by iftachsc - 6
Error when upgrading version stream
#37 opened by patrickleet - 1
use a version of go-cloud that supports AWS IRSA
#31 opened by gazal-k - 1
for AWS s3 access we may need to set AWS_REGION
#32 opened by gazal-k - 0
- 4
- 0
Wrong error handling preventing clean downloads
#4 opened by cmur2 - 4
dockerhub image is not accessible
#2 opened by dennisnewel