Extra-Columns plugin for Jenkins


Older versions of this plugin may not be safe to use. Please review the following warnings before using an older version:


This is a plugin for the Jenkins CI server which provides additional columns in the main UI screen. It's using the listview-column extension. Since additional columns do not require a lot of code, the intention is to bundle multiple columns in one plugin instead of having a separate plugin for each column.

It currently provides the following columns:

  • Build description
    • Shows the build description of the last build
    • Options: Force column width
  • Build duration
    • Show last build duration
    • Options: Time since build started, average duration, average duration compact
  • Build parameters
    • Shows either all build parameters or build parameters maching a regular expression
    • Options: Use regular expression
  • Configure build button
    • Show shortcut to configuration page of a job
  • Disable/enable Project button/icon
    • Disable/enable job with one click
    • Options: Use button or icon
  • Job type
    • Show job type (eg. Freestyle, Maven, Multi Branch, etc)
    • Options: Use pronoun
  • Last build
    • Shows last build
    • Options: Build Start/End, Build Selector, Show relative times, Show link to build
  • Last build node
    • Shows last build node, where job was running
  • Last/current build console
    • Shows shortcut to last/current build console
  • Last project configuration modification
    • Shows date of last configuration modification
  • Periodic build trigger
    • Shows last build trigger in cron format
  • Project description
    • Shows the job/project description
    • Options: Display job name, Trim description, Force column width
  • SCM type
    • Shows the type of SCM that is used in the job (e.g. CVS, SVN, Git)
  • Agent or label restriction
    • Shows the agent or label restrictions
  • Test result
    • Shows the test results of the last build
    • Options: Test result format
  • User name
    • Shows the name of the user that started the last build
  • Workspace link
    • Shows a link to the job's workspace

Some columns have been adapted from existing plugins that in some cases are not actively maintained anymore, e.g.

Changelog & Releases

See GitHub releases


How to add a column

  • Create a new view by clicking on the "+" tab above the list of jobs, select "list view" as type and give it a name. At the bottom of the configuration page of the new view you can add more columns and change their order.
  • If you want to add columns to the All view, follow the guide on the Editing or Replacing the All View wiki page.

How to configure a column

Columns can be configured on the "Edit view" page. Please note, not all columns can be configured.


Please create an issue in the Jenkins JIRA on the "extra-columns-plugin" component. Please do not use GitHub issues!


Since the column API is quite simple, it's easy to get started. Contributions are more than welcome. :)

You have an idea for a new column or want to improve an existing column?

The fastest way to get this done, is to fork the GitHub project, take a look at the existing code, copy and/or modify a column and create a pull-request.