- 4
- 3
The Pod template configuration of k8s cloud is lost
#1071 opened by huangjun0210 - 1
how to upgrade jenkins helmchart from 2.6.4 to 5.7.2
#1248 opened by amitkbaid - 1
how to apply tls on Loadbalancer type ?
#1245 opened by chominnn - 21
- 0
- 12
credentials.xml is kept from boot to boot even if the encryption keys seems to change, thus secrets inside becomes useless
#1224 opened by guilcy - 0
Set JenkinsURL if OpenShift Route is enabled
#1214 opened by adambkaplan - 2
Add OpenShift Security Context Constraints to RBAC
#1207 opened by adambkaplan - 3
Jenkins plugins not getting upgraded through helm chart
#1115 opened by ssolanki38 - 1
- 1
init container gives java.nio.file.FileSystemException: /.cache: Read-only file system
#1176 opened by f-w - 7
Publish Jenkins Helm charts to an OCI registry
#1180 opened by jonesbusy - 0
Sql executor
#1187 opened by mkhallou - 3
Private Github server not reachable
#1184 opened by rajali - 0
- 2
- 4
overwritePluginsFromImage works not as expected
#1153 opened by bmaehr - 3
Jenkins cannot create slave agent in EKS 1.29
#1017 opened by KosShutenko - 1
A thread (Download metadata thread/63) died unexpectedly due to an uncaught exception
#1125 opened by kastl-ars - 3
Can't disable Jenkins login page
#1107 opened by abdmabrouk - 4
JCasC configmap field jcasc-default-config.yaml being written as a horrible string with literal \n instead of using |-
#1024 opened by HariSekhon - 1
Settings in Manage Jenkins > Security > Authorization, are not saved in persistent volume
#1156 opened by ioannisgk - 3
k3s: Crash on startup after Helm apply
#1081 opened by IngwiePhoenix - 0
- 1
- 1
- 0
- 0
FR: Worker only deploying though chart
#1086 opened by samip5 - 6
Getting error while installing helm build
#1066 opened by rnkhouse - 0
jenkinsTunnel in the values.yaml should include a comment not to include protocol like https://
#1078 opened by RIHELO - 0
- 0
useJenkinsProxy is not rendered in template
#1075 opened by RIHELO - 3
Issues with agent.image map
#1057 opened by tdgeery - 7
Jenkins wont start after 5.1 upgrade
#1053 opened by schmittvictor - 1
- 2
- 0
Renovate doesn't upgrade Jenkins LTS correctly
#1030 opened by kvanzuijlen - 0
Use WATCH mode for config reload sidecar
#1036 opened by quilicicf - 7
Jenkins initial admin password secret gets overwritten on every Kustomize build, losing the real login credential - this breaks the login shortly after deployment in GitOps CD systems like ArgoCD
#1026 opened by HariSekhon - 0
host alias for the agent container
#1033 opened by joeltraber - 2
Renovate doesn't update CHANGELOG correctly
#1028 opened by kvanzuijlen - 0
- 0
How to override JCasC per environment using Kustomize - difficult due to one big jcasc string
#1025 opened by HariSekhon - 1
Mistake in
#1021 opened by matandomuertos - 3
- 7
Renovate doesn't pick up GH action updates
#1005 opened by NotMyFault - 2
Agent nodeSelector configuration is excluded
#987 opened by Jdelachi - 0
Unable to run command from inside main container using Helm values.yaml
#988 opened by subhankar-banerjee - 1
Add support for generic ephemeral storage
#982 opened by justusbunsi