- 3
locking nodes in stage locks
#729 opened by AFriemann - 2
Locking pipeline without using executors
#732 opened by skreienk - 1
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot enter synchronized block because "this.logs" is null
#731 opened by marvinthepa - 2
Unavailable Resource Sends Build back to Queue
#697 opened by epiq-ben - 0
- 1
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input
#727 opened by StephenB4431 - 5
Manual reservation/locking of resources via locked resources page not working
#722 opened by valliman - 1
Update to v1309 changes LRM API and behavior
#712 opened by jimklimov - 1
lockable resource with CasC configuration - reloading issue - cannot get rid of declared resources
#721 opened by daipok - 1
Lockable resources slowness in scheduling
#717 opened by e-hanna - 3
Update to 1309.ve21874387edf logs NullPointerException when old build is discarded
#707 opened by PayBas - 0
DataTable with known 0 entries still shows "Loading - please wait ..." indefinitely
#706 opened by jimklimov - 1
Update to 1309.ve21874387edf claims "Unreadable Data": "CannotResolveClassException: lockedResources"
#705 opened by jimklimov - 9
ConcurrentModificationException when serializing LockedResourcesBuildAction#lockedResources
#703 opened by dsilakov - 3
- 0
- 7
ConcurrentModificationException when serializing LockedResourcesBuildAction#lockedResources
#597 opened by dsilakov - 1
Lockable resources plugin fails to load because of a dependency on API Plugin version
#700 opened by sunkuamzn - 1
- 1
Reoccurring null in LockableResourcesManager resources
#677 opened by Naadwo - 0
Make matrix-project optional dependency
#683 opened by jonesbusy - 10
Is there any API documentation on what is supported? Can this be used from command line outside of jenkins?
#624 opened by vishnugovind - 0
Jenkins events on lock actions
#676 opened by igor-teresco - 2
Lock the whole pipeline base on variable , and excute stage on specific agent
#675 opened by oldunclez - 0
- 0
Implement executor count for one resource
#670 opened by mPokornyETM - 0
- 0
Add timemout attribute to eliminate long stuck when resource is long time locked / reserved
#668 opened by mPokornyETM - 0
Extend lockable-resources build page
#667 opened by mPokornyETM - 1
- 7
Use of [] for extra to not lock is not working anymore with 1232.v512d6c434eb_d release
#615 opened by jwillemsen - 0
- 11
Empty ressource is not allowed anymore
#619 opened by ylacaute - 6
Adapt plugin for Data Table API 2.0.x
#634 opened by alecharp - 3
- 1
ReservedTimeStamp leads to failure in Plugin:Configuration as Code Plugin during booting jenkins
#645 opened by JiaoYihan - 0
manually unlock "globally locked" resource early
#638 opened by maks-io - 0
Set reserved timestamp when stealing lock
#636 opened by PayBas - 0
Missing permission Job/Configure for Administrator
#633 opened by krachynski - 22
jenkins startup failure
#623 opened by clockrun - 1
Lease Time
#622 opened by fubian - 1
- 13
- 7
- 1
Unqueue all items contains the build, when the build has been canceled / killed (to improve performance)
#614 opened by mPokornyETM - 1
Throw excpetion when count of requiered resources is bigger then current count of resources
#613 opened by mPokornyETM - 2
Name and value of properties are missing on api
#595 opened by b8rni - 3
get lock by resource name result in NPE
#598 opened by clockrun - 0
Print detailed lock cause in the build log
#591 opened by mPokornyETM - 4