Flask App Template



  1. Install pipenv (if not already installed):

     python3 -m pip install --user pipenv
  2. Create and activate virtual environment for project:

     pipenv shell
  3. Install required packages into virtual environment (including development) and activate the required pre-commit hooks:

     pipenv install --dev
     pre-commit install
  4. Run the application (as a local development server):

     FLASK_ENV=dev python app.py

Note: When creating a new project from this template, feel free to adjust the package dependency versions used by installing the desired versions into the virtual environment and running pipenv lock. Then, commit the modified Pipfile.lock file.

Other Tools and Recommendations


  • Add tests (run with pytest)
  • Add tox configuration (to run lint and tests with multiple python versions)
  • Make into a package (currently a module)
  • Add database (SQLAlchemy)
  • Review http://alanpryorjr.com/2019-05-20-flask-api-example/ for best pratcies including test-driven development (TDD)