
Trying out tailwindcss

Primary LanguageHTML

TailwindCSS Tutorial Project

Following the video tutorials from https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7CcGwsqRpSM3w9BT_21tUU8JN2SnyckR.

From Scratch

$ npm init -y
$ npm install tailwindcss postcss-cli autoprefixer
$ npx tailwind init
$ touch postcss.config.js
[ this file is where you specify which postcss plugins to run for project]
$ mkdir css
$ touch css/tailwind.css
$ npm run build    [ runs build script from package.json  ]
$ touch public/index.html
[ put some content in index.html... ]
$ npm install -g live server
$ live-server public   [  run live server from public/ directory  ]

From existing

$ npm install
$ npm run watch    # runs the watch script (see package.json) to auto-rebuild css

Other stuff

  • Download Responsively for easier front-end testing of multiple screen sizes simulateneously