Prepend Corporate Header

Prepends a corporate header from a template file to a given file, updating 
relevant data as necessary.

Usage:  prependcorpheader [--help] [--version]
        prependcorpheader <inputfile> <prependfile>


The program shall have 2 operating modes.

-- Mode 1: Version and/or help information --

The program shall print version and/or help (usage) information to stdout when 
the command line arguments `--version' and/or `--help', respectively, are passed 
to the program. If either one of these flags is provided, the program shall exit 
after displaying the information, returning a 0 (zero) exit status to the 

-- Mode 2: Normal operating mode --

"Normal operating mode" is defined as when the version and help arguments 
are not given to the program as described in Mode 1, and two file names are 
passed to the program instead. 

In this case, the first file name passed shall be considered the "inputfile" and
the second file passed shall be considered the "prependfile." 

The "inputfile" is the file that will be read from for the corporate header 

The "prependfile" is the file that will be modified. Text from the "inputfile" 
will be transformed and then prepended onto the "prependfile." If "prependfile"
has an existing corporate header, it will first be deleted.

If any more or less than 2 arguments are supplied, or if any other flag 
arguments beginning with '-' are passed, the program shall exit and display an 
error message to stdout, as well as return a non-zero exit status to the caller.

If "inputfile" cannot be opened in read-only mode, the program shall exit and
display an error message to stdout, as well as return a non-zero exit status to 
the caller.

If "prependfile" cannot be opened in read/write mode, the program shall exit and
display an error message to stdout, as well as return a non-zero exit status to 
the caller.

The program shall read in the entire contents of "inputfile." The program 
shall validate the contents of "inputfile" by ensuring that it conforms to a C-
style comment block (/* ... */). If the contents do not validate, an error 
message shall be printed to stdout, and the program shall exit returning a 
non-zero exit status to the caller.

The program shall parse the contents read from "inputfile" and replace all
occurances of the following expressions as indicated:

%date% - the current date fomatted as MM/dd/YYYY
%file% - the name of "prependfile"

To use the literal character '%', escape it so it's '%%'.

The program shall delete the first C-style comment block from "prependfile" it
finds. The comment may span multiple lines. The comment must be the first text 
that appears in "prependfile." If this condition is not met, the program shall 
not delete any text from "prependfile."

The program shall prepend the transformed text read from "inputfile" to 
"prependfile." The program shall display a completion message, close the 
"inputfile," save and close the "prependfile," and return an exit status of 0
(zero) to the caller if the previous operations were successful. Otherwise, the
program shall display an error message to stdout and return a non-zero exit 
status to the caller.