
jQuery plugin to pixelate images and reveal the images pixels as the user mouses over the image

pixelate-v2 (pixelReveal)

pixelate-v2, also known as pixelReveal, is an enhanced version of the original pixelate.js library. It offers an easy and efficient way to pixelate images on your web pages and provides options to reveal the original images interactively on hover or click.


pixelate-v2 (pixelReveal) can be easily integrated into your project. You can use it directly with HTML data attributes or programmatically using JavaScript.

Using HTML Data Attributes

Simply add the data-pixelate attribute to your tags, like this:

<img src="example.jpg" width="300" height="300" data-pixelate>

Using JavaScript

You can also use pixelate-v2 programmatically. Here’s an example using JavaScript:

const myImage = document.querySelector('img');
const pixelate = new Pixelate(myImage, { value: 0.5, reveal: true, revealOnClick: false });


pixelate-v2 provides several options to customize the pixelation and reveal effects:

value: A number between 0 and 1 representing the intensity of pixelation. Higher values result in more pixelation. reveal: A boolean value. If true, hovering over the image will reveal the original, unpixelated version. revealOnClick: A boolean value. If true, clicking on the image will reveal the original version. If combined with reveal, the image will remain revealed after being clicked. Using Data Attributes You can set these options using data attributes in your HTML:

<img src="example.jpg" data-pixelate data-value="0.6" data-reveal="true" data-revealOnClick="true">

Using JavaScript

Or set options programmatically when initializing pixelate-v2 using JavaScript:

const options = {
    value: 0.6,
    reveal: true,
    revealOnClick: true

const myImage = document.querySelector('img');
const pixelate = new Pixelate(myImage, options);


pixelate-v2 (pixelReveal) is open-source software released under the MIT license. Feel free to use, modify, and distribute the library in your projects.