
A web application to assist you with playing the monster attacks in Gloomhaven, one of the world's greatest cooperative board games.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A web application that automates the monster attack modifier card component of the Euro-style tactical combat board game, Gloomhaven. This application helps to diminish the setup time involved with the physical game components per scenario, so you can spend more time slaying monsters and having fun with your friends.

Attack Modifier Cards Demo


In Gloomhaven, players dungeon-crawl through different scenarios with other adventurers to proceed in their campaign, discover new regions, and advance their individual character's goals. I'm heavily addicted to this game and am so impressed with how fun and easy it is to play. However, one shortcoming is that there are so many pieces. Every scenario requires unique monsters, their clips, monster attack cards, overlay tiles, and attack modifier cards. To expedite the set up time for my group, I designed this app to generate the attack modifier cards. Now my friends don't have to manually shuffle and reshuffle the monster cards. One step closer to adventuring!

Into the Code

This application was built with a MVC architecture.

  • data: Contains default monsters deck and notification text values.
  • images: Images.
  • models: JavaScript objects represented by a card, deck, and multipllierCard.
  • index.html: Page invoked when user opens application.
  • main.js: Entry point of application. Gets all information explicitly needs and calls model, view and controller.
  • modifierDeckController.js: Performs all the logic for the app by initializing the deck, drawing cards, and adding and curse bless cards.
  • modifierDeckView.js: Handles what the user sees and includes actions that manipulate the DOM. This includes event listeners for clicking the card, bless button, and curse button.
  • stylesheets.css: CSS styles.

Feedback and Bugs

If you encounter an issue while using this app, please let me know. You can submit the issue right here on Github or contact me directly at jennifer.k.tam@gmail.com.

If you haven't heard of the game and are interested in learning more, I recommend you check it out!