
  1. Each problem/question should have their own folders.
  2. When you upload a solution for a particular problem please check the existence of its folder. Create a new one if not exists.
  3. The Folder Name and Solution File should follow the format below: Folder name: QuestionNumber(XXX)_QuestionName e.g. 001_TwoSume
    File name: UploaderName_Filename e.g.

Process to connect to this repo: 1.fork this repo to your own remote repo 2. git clone XXX(SSH/Http address) from your remote repo To upload your code to your remote repo, you may use these command:

git add
git commit
git push

To pull request to our public repo see:

  1. add our public repo to your branch git remote add upstream XXX(repo url)
  2. synchronize the public repo to your local git fetch
  3. merge it to your remote repo git merge (or git pull)
  4. After upload code to your remote repo, click the 'pull request' button to upload to public repo