
All my dotfiles

Primary LanguageShell

All the Dotfiles

Clone this repo into a directory named .dotfiles in your home directory.

git clone git@github.com:jennapederson/dotfiles.git .dotfiles


This relies on MacOS's default install of zsh, but you'll need to first install Oh My Zsh for more customizations.

Then, you'll need to create the ~/.zshenv file and add the line below:


This environment file will automatically be sourced by the default zsh install and points to your custom .dotfiles for zsh.


  1. Install these fonts so the agnoster theme has the right fonts available: https://github.com/powerline/fonts
  2. Set both Regular font and the Non-ASCII Font in your iTerm profile (Text tab) to one of the Powerline fonts.
  3. Set the Colors Preset (Colors tab) to Solarized Dark.

Local aliases

Create the file .aliases.local (ignored by git) if you have aliases custom to this machine.

touch ~/.dotfiles/.aliases.local